Fatima Abaza Character in A Sea Among the Stars | World Anvil

Fatima Abaza

The Librarian

Fatima Abaza renowned for her remarkable journey from humble beginnings to becoming a revered figure of knowledge and enlightenment. Born in a shanty town to a single mother and thrust into indentured servitude at a factory, Fatima's thirst for knowledge burned brightly from a young age.   By the age of three, she taught herself to read and write based on cooperation pamphlets and security manuals. By age five, she had already mastered complex mathematical concepts, astounding those around her with her prodigious abilities. By the time she was twelve, the factory's engineers had consulted her for her expertise in repairing machinery.   Her life took a turn when her mother was murdered by corporate security in a worker's strike. At 14 years old and alone, her future seemed more uncertain than ever.   At this time, she ran into a group of monastic scholars revering Ioun, an ancient goddess of knowledge. Recognizing her enormous intelligence at such a young age, they saw in her a chosen one of her goddesses and decided to take her under their care.   She was brought to the revered Temple of the Infinite, where she flourished and absorbed knowledge from all disciplines. At the remarkable age of twenty-three, Fatima was appointed as the "Eternal Librarian", the youngest ever in history, entrusted with overseeing the prestigious Eternal Library at the core of the Temple of the Infinite, the seat of power for the Church of the Infinite . Throughout her tenure, Fatima's stewardship saw the library greatly expanded, including materials previously deemed unworthy. Her legacy as a beacon of enlightenment and progress continues to inspire seekers of knowledge and truth across the Triumvirate.  
It is not on us to judge the merit of knowledge - our duty is to collect it so it may be preserved for those who may one day need it. - Fatima Abaza
Year of Birth
1482 CE 25 Years old
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Thousand of artist used by Midjourney


Author's Notes

This character is part of the Rad Woman series. She is inspired by the life of Sore Juanna Ineas De La Cruz

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