Church of the Infinite Organization in A Sea Among the Stars | World Anvil

Church of the Infinite

The members of the Church of the infinite are united in their belief that the universe is eternal and infinite. Members are guided by a core dogma, that our past actions need to be remembered in order to inform us in the present so that we may do better in the future. In their views, everyone owes gratitude to those that came before us to lead us here and owes a debt to those that will come after us to improve their lives.   Multiple groups within the church put emphasis on different aspects of the dogma. Some are obsessive in their preservation of the past by mounting archeological expeditions and maintaining extensive libraries, others are caring deeply about the present by helping the people with their spiritual and physical needs, while yet others are dedicating their time in government and planning committees to improve the future that is yet to come. As such common among the members of the church are Librarians, Archeologists, Doctors, Judges, Politicians, and Philosophers.   While the church originated in the Hius system it is widely spread all through out the Triumvirate and has temples or missions in every major settlement.  

Rejection of Materialsm

Members of the church view themselves inherently in service to the community they are a part of. As a result of these beliefs, many members reject personal wealth beyond what is required to live a decent lifestyle. Any profits or benefits that the church as an organization gains are directly reinvested into projects that foster the betterment of the communities they are engaged with. In this modern world that is dominated by Corporations and capitalistic ideals, the Church of the Infinite often struggles to make a meaningful impact on a scale that can improve society. As such the church often finds itself reliant on donations from the rich and powerful who are often just interested in a quick PR stunt to smooth over their personal scandals.  

Tenets of the Church of the Infinite

  • Community and order are always stronger than Individuals and discord.
  • Preserve the light of civilization against the darkness of chaos.
  • Tame the Wildspace to make it fit for habitation.
  • Build upon what has been before.


The tenets and beliefs of the Church of the Infinite have multiple times in the past been twisted as justification by authoritarian regimes to justify atrocities. While the church has always come out with a strong condemnation of any such vile misuse of their beliefs, many victims have still lingering resentment and distrust against the church as an institution. The church further faces wider criticism due to its resistance to any attempt at reformation that could make the tenets more resilient against such misinterpretation and abuse.

Tranquility in Enternity

Religious, Organised Religion
Notable Members


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