
The "Hive" emerges as a captivating yet chaotic district nestled amidst Patchworks, an extraordinary cluster of life-filled living quarters perched upon multiple small asteroids, defying a sense of gravity. These peculiar dwellings exhibit a wide mixture of architecture and an absolute lack of a plan. Houses erected at both the tops and bottoms of the asteroids connected by a labyrinth of intertwining bridges and tunnels. A mesmerizing sight, the glimmering lights from within the houses illuminate the streets with a faint orange glow. Up and down are tricky concepts to grasp here. You see people walking apparently at the floor and the bottom, mere meters apart. At one spot, you see someone just jumping high, making a flip, and landing on what was the ceiling but is now the ground. And as if all of this is not enough, you suddenly see a cable shoot out over your head, and with a mechanical buzz, a person is flying at high speed atop your heads.
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