
Patchworks is a remote outpost nestled among the debrie field of the Great Garbage Patch. It is a refuge for people that - for one reason or another - don't want to be found. Life on Patchworks is tough. The cloest thing this place has to a goverment are the various gangs & factions that divided the place among them.

Industry & Trade

The main industry of Patchworks are the Maw that specializes in scraping and recycling of junk that is found in the garbage patch and the Ironworks that refine the raw materials recovered in this process into high quality metals that are exported all over the system.   Patchworks has strong roots as a smuggler harbor and as such to this day a lot of illegal trade is conducted here in this remote place.

Guilds and Factions


Five Centuries ago, a ragtag group of settlers found themselves marooned amidst the swirling chaos of the Great Garbage Patch. It was here, amidst the detritus of forgotten civilizations, that they stumbled upon the ancient remains of a Dwarven Dreadnought.   With resourcefulness born of necessity, they established a modest base. Slowly but surely this outpost would be transformed into a hub for smuggling and the black market. Over time, the development of the Ironworks and The Maw sparked a small but burgeoning salvage and refinery industry. Unbeknownst to the wider universe, this outpost quietly evolved into an underground shipyard, catering discreetly to those in need of ship repairs and modifications without drawing attention of certain autorities.   During the turbulent era of The Great Pirate War, this clandestine base gained notoriety as a stronghold for swashbucklers and freebooters. Yet, fame in such circles often attracts unwanted attention. The Corporate Navy, threatened by its growing influence, launched repeated raids, devastating much of its infrastructure. By the war's end, the base had become too perilous, and the Pirates were forced to abandon it.   In the aftermath, aided by financing from Corps eager to capitalize on the burgeoning salvage industry and the possible treasures hidden among the old dwarven ruins, the base was rebuilt. A metaphorical gold rush ensued as hopefuls flooded in, drawn by promises of ancient Dwarven artifacts. However, the reality was harsher than the shimmering dreams painted by corporate manipulations; the supposed riches were mostly a market ploy, leaving the colony overflowing with settlers who had no other place to go.   Today, the colony remains caught between its tumultuous past and uncertain future. The influx of opportunistic settlers shows no signs of abating, straining its resources and infrastructure. It is a place where dreams clash with harsh realities, where the legacy of Pirates mingles with corporate greed, and where survival often demands more than just resilience—it requires navigating the treacherous currents of history and ambition.


  • Patchworks



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