Hunter's Mark Agency Organization in A Sea Among the Stars | World Anvil

Hunter's Mark Agency

This transnational and trans-system cooperation is one of the main provider of fugitive recovery services in The Triumvirate. They have contracts of cooperation with various Corporations helping in the retrieval of persons of interest in cases such as corporate espionage, breach of contract, or other damages. Many corporations prefer the use of this agency as they operate outside of local jurisdiction and help to relocate people into a corporate-controlled environment.   To fulfill these services the Hunter's Mark Agency employs a long list of independent contractors in order to execute the actual recovery. This arrangement also helps the agency to ward off any direct legal responsibility for any violation of laws perpetrated by its contractors as they are not in a legally binding relationship with the corporate institution. Should incidents from the contractors gather too much negative public attention, and they certainly do - a lot; the agency has one of the best connected public relations departments, ready to deploy PR campaigns to counteract any gathered ill-will. As such the Hunter's Mark Agency is among one the top donors for various good causes all across the system and especially in less privileged neighborhoods and poorer sectors. It is in these same neighborhoods that the agency recruits most of its contractors.   The agency offers various contract tiers to its contractors that include a variety of services. Beyond simple access to the list of bounties, higher-tier contractors may also have access to support with transport, health care, equipment procurement, transport, and intelligence.  

Hunter's Blacklist

Though it has never been proven and was repeatedly denied by the agency, there are persistent rumors about a special "Blacklist" division that focuses exclusively on the elimination of persons of interest, rather than their retrieval.
Corporation, Security


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