Qulum Shard Geographic Location in A Sea Among the Stars | World Anvil

Qulum Shard

Qulum Shard is a fictional asteroid situated in the mesmerizing Hius system, adrift in the vastness of space. This celestial body is renowned for its distinct and ethereal appearance, primarily due to the luminous fungus that blankets its surface, casting an eerie glow visible from afar. The mysterious allure of Qulum Shard has captivated the imaginations of many, making it a subject of fascination and exploration for space enthusiasts and scientists alike.


Located within the Hius system, Qulum Shard orbits does not orbit it's parent star, but is instead on an unpedictable course through the southern region of Hius. Its unique geological composition and the presence of the luminous fungus create a captivating visual spectacle, transforming this unassuming asteroid into a radiant beacon within the vastness of space.

Fauna & Flora

The defining feature of Qulum Shard is the mesmerizing glowing fungus that envelops its entire surface. This luminescent flora emits a soft, otherworldly glow, bathing the asteroid in an ethereal light that enthralls all who observe it. The exact nature and origins of this fungus remain shrouded in mystery, leaving scientists and researchers puzzled. Its radiant glow has sparked numerous scientific inquiries, with theories ranging from unique bioluminescent properties to possible extraterrestrial origins.   Besides the dominant fungus there do exist a small ecosphere of other flora and small fauna at this location. The ecosystem is stable enough to produce a replenishing amount of oxigen and is as such used by passers by to refill their air reserves.

Natural Resources

A recent geological survey by the Rockmash Mining Corp. has reveleaded that there are no valuable ressources are present in a quantity that would justify the cost of a commercial operation. Yet the recent establishment off an survey and research outpost by the company fuels rumors that some sort of discovery has been made, that is meant to be kept a secret from the public - and the competition.


Given it's visible, but ever changing location it has been a well known stop for traverls in the region. Many smugglers of the region have used Qulum as a hideout or stop over point for many generations.   The eerie beauty and captivating presence of Qulum Shard have also influenced artists, writers, and storytellers throughout the galaxy. Its depiction in various forms of media has made it a symbol of mystery and wonder. The asteroid's luminescence and the profound sense of solitude it embodies have become recurring themes in fiction, inspiring works that explore the depths of the psyche and the vastness of the universe.
by Stiefel
Alternative Name(s)
The glowing Rock, Qulum, Ku-uhlum
Location under


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