Hius Geographic Location in A Sea Among the Stars | World Anvil


Hius has an usual high concentration of remnants of the ancient Dwarven Empires. Many ancient treasures are found here - and even far more legends about such treasures that may or may not be real. The system has very few planets, with most of them having harsh climates making them barely able to support life. As such, most life in the system dwells on the space station, asteroid bases, or is not stationary. Emerging from those close-knit groups that life close to the stars, many pirates have their origin within the Hius system.   During the The Great Pirate War Hius saw massive devastation. Many cultures all over the system were displaced or got driven to the brink of extinction. After the war a corporate lifestyle as taken hold in many places. Under the guise of post-war economic support, many Corps established puppets within the system to exploit the rich resources in the asteroid belts of the system.
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