Space Liner Vehicle in A Sea Among the Stars | World Anvil

Space Liner

These newest type of ships can even rival Dreadnought in their size, yet serve solely civilian purposes. These full metal ships require highly experimental drives, as Solar Sails could quite simply not move those gargantuan ships.
  Space Liner is used to transport massive amounts of people and goods along the major routes of space. Due to their resilience, they can are able to use routes that are deemed too dangerous for commercial use with ships of any other kind. As such they are severely threatening to upend the current status quo of space travel.
  As of right now there only exists a handful of Space Liner. There development is a direct results of the war efforts of the Clockwork Gnomes during the The Great Pirate War.

Notable Ships of this Category

ISC Primordic
Vehicle | Mar 12, 2023
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