ISC Primordic Vehicle in A Sea Among the Stars | World Anvil

ISC Primordic

The ISC Primordic was a Space Liner built by the Sumito Heavy Industries for the Intersystem Cruises and was set to revolutionize space travel. Unfortunately, the spaceship was destroyed on its maiden voyage in an attack by the pirate ship Destined Doom that claimed the lives of all the passengers and crew aboard.   The ISC Primordic was designed to carry 2500 passengers and was equipped with state-of-the-art propulsion and generator systems. The spaceship was also fitted with the latest amenities to provide passengers with a comfortable and safe journey across the stars.   On the day of its maiden voyage, the ISC Primordic departed from the Archimedias Station with much fanfare and excitement. The passengers on board included some of the most prominent figures from across the Artaros System, including business tycoons, artists, and celebrities.   After the transit into the Hius via a Lightning Gate the ship set a course to traverse the Ice Shard Wastes. In the ice asteroid field, the ISC Primordic came under attack by the pirate crew The Red Scourge on the Destined Doom under the command of the infamous Red Empress.   Despite the best efforts of the Primordic's crew to defend the spaceship, the ship was quickly overwhelmed and boarded by the pirates. The pirates reportedly made use of old wartime tactics from the time of the The Great Pirate War and used Ignestis insects to cause a severe amount of chaos and destruction onboard of the ship. As a result of this fight, an undetermined malfunction in the generator of the ISC Primordic led to a catastrophic explosion that reportedly destroyed both ships.   The destruction of the ISC Primordic was a significant blow to Intersystem Cruises, and it sent shockwaves across The Triumvirate. The loss of so many prominent figures also devastated their families and the wider community.   An investigation into the attack was launched immediately but has yet to deliver tangible results. The loss of the ISC Primordic marks one of the greatest tragedies in the history of civilian space travel in recent memory. In the immediate aftermath to the tragedy, former fringe politicians demanding renewed military action against the pirate menace gained significant support and attention.

Power Generation

The power generation system contained a brand new prototype generator system. Nothing is known to the public about it's method of functions and all information regarding it are kept highly confidental.


The propulsion systems contained a brand new prototype system capable of interstellar travel without the need to rely on Phlo Sails. Nothing is known to the public about it's method of functions and all information regarding it are kept highly confidental.

Weapons & Armament

As a civilian ship the ISC Primordic did not have any onboard weaponry. Although the crew made creative use of the anchor harpoon during it's confrontation with the Destined Doom.

Armor and defense

The ship had a complete metal frame and hull. The first of it's kind of this size. The hull was further reinforced with a layer of arcane armor reinforcment developed by Hammerhead Arcana that was meant to protect it from the impact of space debri.
The Iron Mistress
Creation Date
Destruction Date
1507 during it's maiden voyage
Owning Organization
Current location
One of three sister ships
882.75 feet
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Deck Map
ISC Primordic

Tickets for the ISC Primordic


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