|C| The Lonely Tower

"Oh yeah, van Richten killed me alright. Me and my band for what we did to his kid all those years ago..." - Yan, the dead Vistani


Finding Khazam's Tower

The Guardians of the Horizon discovered a lonely tower set on Lake Baratok.

Investigating the Hunter's Wagon

Outside of the tower was a large wagon, similar to Rudolph van Richten's wagon in the Arasek Stockyard, but the clothing inside was for a woman. After investigating for traps and carefully opening each door, drawer, and false bottom, Vorthos D'Artagnan found what remains of the Journal of Rudolph van Richten.

Entering Khazam's Tower

While attempting to open the door to enter the tower, Vorthos D'Artagnan was jolted by an enourmous lightning storm, at this time of day, localized entirely around the tower. Ocarin Stonehollow determined that the strange markings on the door represented a dance that might unlock the door safely, but when a mistake was made, an Ancient Blue Dragon was summoned and prepared to disintegrate the Guardians of the Horizon. Thinking quickly, Vorthos D'Artagnan used all of their dexterity and agility to dance the door dance, disappearing the illusion of the dragon, ending the lightning storm, and openning the door.

Using the Lift

Once inside, Warren Peace figured out how to use the clay golem powered elevator and ascended to the veranda of the tower.

Investigating the top Floor

Warren Peace found evidence of a recent bug-out from the tower, and the preserved head of a long dead vistani.

The Vistani Head

Ocarin Stonehollow used his power to speak with the dead to confirm that indeed, this tower hosted one Rudolph van Richten and that it was he who had hunted them in Vallaki.

An Enchanting Armor

While the Guardians of the Horizon prepred to leave the tower, they discovered that an enchanged suit of armor responded to commands said by the last person to say, "Khazan".


The Guardians of the Horizon now know who it was that has been hunting them, Rudolph van Richten, the most renown monster hunter in all of Faerun. Where is he hiding and will they survive a second encounter?
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