Barovian Overworld

The idyllic valley nestled in the Balinok Mountains was a slice of heaven to those who knew of its existence before Strahd’s arrival. The serenity of the place was forever shattered when Strahd led a bloody crusade against the enemies of his family that ended here with the slaughter of hundreds. Struck by the scenic beauty of his most recent conquest and eager to escape the shadow of his father’s legacy, Strahd made the valley his home and named it Barovia after the late King Barov, his father.
  The land now called Barovia is no longer part of the world that Strahd once tried to conquer. It now exists within a demiplane formed by Strahd’s consciousness and surrounded by a deadly fog. No creature can leave without Strahd’s permission, and those that try become lost in the mist.
  Strahd allows the Vistani to come and go as they please because he admires their lust for life and their willingness to serve him when he needs them. He also owes an ancient debt to the Vistani people. As a soldier centuries ago, he suffered a grievous injury in battle, and the Vistani tended his wounds and returned him safely to his family without making any demand for payment. The Vistani claim to possess potions that allow them to leave Strahd’s domain, but the potions are false concoctions with no magical power. Nevertheless, the Vistani are willing to sell them for a hefty price.
  Native Barovians have been terrorized for centuries by the one they call “the devil Strahd.” Only a handful of them have the will to oppose him. Barovians congregate in the valley’s three main settlements—the villages of Barovia and Krezk and the town of Vallaki—for fear of falling prey to wolves and other beasts that prowl the woods. Among these people are the Keepers of the Feather, a secret society of wereravens. Not powerful enough to defeat Strahd on their own, the Keepers readily assist adventurers who find themselves drawn into Strahd’s domain.

Area Map

Alternative Name(s)
Greater Barovia, Ravenloft, Domain of Dread
Ruling/Owning Rank
Overworld Locations
Svalich Woods - Old Svalich Road
Eastern Svalich Woods Locations
Gates of Barovia - Village of Barovia - Ivlis River - Ivlis River Crossroads - Tser Pool Encampment - Tser Falls - Castle Ravenloft Crossroads
Castle Ravenloft Locations
Gates of Ravenloft - Castle Ravenloft
Greater Vallakian Valley Locations
Old Bonegrinder - Lake Zarowich - Town of Vallaki - Mount Baratok - Luna River - Luna River Crossroads
Western Svalich Woods Locations
Ruins of Berez - Argynvostholt - Khazan's Tower - Lake Baratok - Dreadwolf Den - Tsolenka Pass - Raven River - Raven River Crossroads - Village of Krezk - Wizards of Wines Vineyard & Winery - Yester Hill - Luna River - Luna Lake
Mount Ghakis Locations
Mount Ghakis - Amber Temple

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