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Distant Settlements, and Lesser Known Free Cities

The Aelven Realms

Bloodthroat Haven

Mad-Screamers of the western savage badlands, renowned for their barbarous traditions of burying their newborns in the hot sands of the Great Dorei

Sendorei Redoubt

Remote Aelven settlements far removed from others

The Frostlands of the Orcs


In the northern spit of Cragtooth Island, the city of Wurgh is renowned for two things, the fighting prowess of their peoples, and their capacity for mental simplicity. Indeed, it is an apocryphal tale that the name of Wurgh came about, where after besting the last chief of the last rival tribe, the first ruler of Wurgh simply uttered "Wurgh..." before collapsing.


Last Clearings

The last patch of tamed wilderness in Ebura. Routes into and out of Last Clearings are known to be stalked by a clan of Flame Salamanders whose gouts of flame have been known to bring ruin to entire supply trains. A contract to cull their population has recently been opened with the The Hunters Guilds by the Governor of the settlement.

Bronze Eye

Little news escapes from Bronze Eye, it is said those that are from Bronze Eye are neither Man, nor Lizardman nor even any other known race. It is said their eyes are bronze-gold gemstones, though of course, little news escapes from Bronze Eye.

Ashorene & The Fell Islands


The site where Braddock of Conteign had landed in 227 on the Continent of Ashorene during his ill-fated third expedition.


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