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The Hunter's Guild

The Hunter's Guild is an adventurer's guild based out of Enekraad but which has other holdings in Immrion, Arluck, Thogboldan and smaller holdings in many other cities.

Present & Past Contracts

Notable Open Contracts

Tikran, The Alchemist's Abomination
Tikran is a foul abomination of flesh and magical energies bound into an undulating mass that is known to stalk the sewers and back alleys of the lower parts of Amanora.

Glottus, The Poxlord

Stalking the many befouled glens of the Poxweald, Glottus is an abhorrent result of the maddening corruption that has scarred the lands. Wielding an awful tolling bell in one hand and a massive flail in his other, the very ground quakes in his steps.

The Dread Falcon of Horakh-Dhrum

Contract opened by the Emperor Thonmon Forgeborne of Orimid after it had killed his Son & heir, Arbead Forgeborne

The Flame Salamanders of Last Clearings

A family of Eburan Salamanders that have grown too large and terrorize the jungles east of Last Clearings

Morogh, Sea Drake of the Eastern Expanse

A terrible seabeast often seen by sailors traveling the northern route from New Khirina through the Eastern Expanse towards Great Irinoff. Reports are that it has never been seen east of Bhorum-Anhar or west of the line between Frost-Silver Island and Groz-Bhorum

Abhar, The Serpent of Ferran

Located in the south western badlands of the Ferran Desert. Those with the sharpest eyes at the garrison of Sunder's Gate have been said to have seen the distant sand shifting as it moves from place to place.

The Horror of The Great Dorei

Known simply as The Horror, it is an enormous Sand Dragon, larger than any in reported history. While vast nothings of the Great Dorei breed hyperbolic stories, the contract was opened by the Khagan himself, who in a uncharacteristic display, opened the contract himself at the Hunter's Lodge in Immrion.

Notable Closed Contracts

Bloodsilt, Terror of Kirshall
The first notable beast slain by the guild's founder [FOUNDER], Bloodsilt was a black wyvern with ruby scales that had harassed the smallfolk for decades, at best devestating live stock populations and culiminating in the desolation of several smaller settlments in the Calpurnian Kingdom

Brosov, Tollmaster

  Styling himself after Brosov I Valrak, who was a noted tax reformer. Brosov, Tollmaster was a notable Mountain Troll that had called the northern mountains of Irinoff home. Upon spotting passing caravans, it was known to march down from the mountains and demand tolls of food and gold from the travellers. On occasion where the unfortunate souls were unable to pay the troll's toll, Brosov was known to fly into an impressive fury, destroying the caravan and killing any he could get his hands on.

While travelling to Melnyk to inspect the newly completed prison, Grand Duke Ifan Valrak II encountered Brosov. As with so many other travellers, Brosov demanded the Grand Duke pay the toll which was refused outright as an insult of the highest order. The impressive retinue the Grand Duke had brought would prove incapable of stopping the beast. The two survivors reported little of the Grand Duke's ignominious last moments. His heir Georgi Valrak II would open the contract not long after his ascendency to the throne.


At the top of the Guild is the Lord-Master of The Hunt, who is the member of the Hunter's Guild who has proven their abilities not just in hunting, but as a leader and administrator as well. They are chosen from among the Knight-Lieutants who lead the Hunter's Cadres.

Beneath the Lord-Master is the Master of Arms, responsible for maintenance and procurement of arms and armor, and the First Blade who is the second finest hunter behind the Lord-Master, is responsible for the initial research into open contracts and is who offers the contract to each Cadre Leader they see fit for the position.

Each Hunter's Cadre is led by a Knight-Lieutenant and Seargant-at-Arms, the Knight-Lieutenant being the acting commander, and the Seargant-at-Arms being their assistant and second in command.
According to one's abilities, each aspirant begins as a Novitiate and is assigned to a Hunter's Cadre, of which there can be as many or as few as is necessary at the time. Once they have proven themselves to their respective Knight-Lieutenant, they are promoted to the rank of Hunter.



The Golden Age of The Hunter's Guild

Later Histories

Founding Date
Guild, Adventuring
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members


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