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Fallen Empires & Other Ruined Nations

Realms of Man

The Kirshani Empire

0 - 538
The Kirshani Empire, originally the Kingdom of Two Rivers, was the first of the kingdoms of man. The proclamation of the kingdom was marked as the beginning of a new age, one not of the Aman, but of their Creations.

The Kingdom of Khirinoff

497 - 645
Comprised the whole island of Khirina, when the Empire of Great Benalor invaded the Kirshani Empire, refugees fleeing north ended up in lower Khirina and would go on to form the Eneklanders. When the last king died without an heir a civil war was narrowly avoided when the three dominant power blocks, agreed at the First Council of Sanktskrat to split the continent into three distinct nations.
The first, The Republic of Enekland, which would comprise the lands mainly settled now by the Kirshani Descendants.
In the Southern peninsula, the doomed Kingdom of Hessia would settle amongst the marshes
The rest of the continent, would go to the The Grand Duchy of Irinoff, who, styling themselves as the true heirs to the thrown of Khirinoff (Now renamed to Enekraad) would not take the title of King or Kingdom...

The Kingdom of Hessia

645 - AFA Hessia once stood as a major trading power who served to bring the goods of the easternlands that flown through nearby Tel'A'At into Irinoff and the interior of the land. Hessia was however lost to disease and the savage corruption of the blighted coast.

The Aelven Realms

The Empire of Great Benalor

533 - 601

Arriving on the western fringes of the Waste of Illalon in the year of 533, the Empire of Great Benalor swiftly swept west to east, against the sun. Led by Benalon I Ulanala, their path of conquest took them from the borderlands of the Rudorei gap all the way across to the Mountain Gates of Horakh-Dhrum. With the horde, came with their religion, the Faith of Origan, while campaigns of conversion in Kirshall and Rudorei would bare little fruit, the Dwarves curiosuly, would prove more amenable to the faith.   At the head of a host of innumerable horsemen, the Aelven Warlord Benalon savaged many kingdoms, leading directly to the disintegration to the already long ailing Kirshani Empire.   Benalon dies, Itham has to fight a major civil war >>>   When Benalon II was killed mysteriously on a hunt in the year of 601, the Empire would fall apart nearly over night. The great host, formerly held together by the remaining scraps of legitimacy that Benalon I had bestowed upon his heirs, would be dispersed into a period of anarchy across the Hunolduran Plains and the Eastern shores of Khim Darohm. In the human realms they had occupied, the overstretched and underpracticed Aelven administrators were quickly deposed by the former ruling parties. In the Kingdom of Old Rudora, the royal family who had long gone into hiding returned to reclaim their seat. In Kirshall, with no heir to claim the capital seat of Aminum, a period of anarchy broken out over the next five years as different groups fought for control. Three kingdoms would see themselves form in this period. First, in 604, the Kingdom of Festinian would be proclaimed in the west, with Festinian Kantor as it's king. In the year 606, in the East, the Calpurnian Kingdom would be next, and last, claiming the capital seat of Aminum, the Kingdom of Aminum would use the capital to enforce it's legitimacy.



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