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The Grand Duchy of Irinoff

"I've seen them myself, they pass through the waters of Lake Nevan, slip right through The Mezzer and The Shyem. Horrible things, I swear they're attracted to stench of the cities, but those of us, of Irinoff blood, are made of tougher stuff, we've seen harsh winters biting harder than these cretins"
-Lord Selym Abroff, High Marshall of Irinoff
The Grand Duchy of Irinoff is the largest of the two remaining powers on the Island of Khirina along with the Republic of Enekland

Diplomatic Relations


Great Irinoff

Great Irinoff is the capital of the Grand Duchy

Melynk, The Prison City

Melynk, reknowned for it's massive prisons, the Stonevaults, is ruled by House Kar-Valrak, a cadet branch of the ruling House Valrak. The Prisons were constructed under the orders of Ifan Valrak I



Ordhov acts as a gate to Western Khirina, the only other land-based route being through unchecked wilderness. This means the typical travellers passing through Ordhov are either jailers leading caravans of the guilty towards Melynk in the distant west, or if the town is lucky, Eneklanders making the long route to Vesser's Bend.


Kharask, also knownm as the Bread Basket of the Grand Duchy, Kharask is home to majority of the Irinoffin farmlands




Port Nevan

A bustling trade city, Port Nevan is second in splendor for all the cities of the Grand Duchy. It's valuable location between Hattokar's Sea and the Tourmaline Sea mean any merchant vessel meaning to do business with in the Grand Duke's realm will best make port here.
Irinoff also assists in maintaining the fortress, The Shyem overseeing the Blighted Coast.


The Gutter Legions

Mercy is a curious thing in Irinoff, criminal behavior either convicted or assumed will often lead to years without light in the darkest cells of the distant prison city, Melynk, but crime can be paid off instead, with service to the state. The Gutter Legions are a penal legion compromised, mostly in part, of criminals of every sort. There are at any time between three and eight legions that may be found on maneuvers in the countryside of Khirina.

Formed in 948 by Danil Valrak, their principal duties being to either perform purification campaigns in the northern mountain passes, dealing with outlaw bands in the forest, or acting as auxiliaries to the forces stationed along the Blighted Coast. In times of war however, they are often used as first line soldiers owing to their perceived expendable nature.

The Legionary Cohorts

The legion is organized into a set of three castes, The Low-Lords, Grey Knives and The Rats.
The Low-Lords
Comprised of Nobles who have either found himself guilty of some crime, found themselves wanting to curry favor amongst the nobility by leading the legion to perform what wet-work they may want, or lastly, nobles whom stand to inherit little in life, may seek to command a legion.
The Grey Knives
Made up of petty thieves, those who failed to meet their lord's tithes or those convicted of other lesser crimes, the Grey Knives act as a moderately armored retinue whose principal job is to protect the Low-Lords, police the Rats and see to whatever task is at hand, in that order. The arms and armor of the Grey Knives are gifts of the Grand Duchy, in reality, often old rusted and already worn armor from wars past that could scarcely protect against not more than the dullest blades.
The Rats
Murderers, rapists, heretics and dregs who would have otherwise seen a headcutter's block comprise the bulk of The Rats. The Rats are the hammer where the Grey Knives act as the anvil within The Gutter Legions. Completely unarmored, and armed only with a provided short sword, The Rats rely instead, on numbers, ferocity and the unorthodox combat stylings they might employ on an individual level.

No Trial Too Great

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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