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The Dwarven City of Thogboldan is the capital of Thogboldir. The city is considered Aman-Touched due to it's being visited by Aman'Udros, The Orderbringer in 297.  

Wards of Thogboldan

The Eastward

The Poorer part of town

The Lakeside District

Overlooking Lake Thertun, the Lakeside District is an inland port which provides much of the lifeblood to the city, whether through the abundant fisheries which have practiced sustainable fishing techniques now for several generations or through the ease of trade and travel to the nearby Dwarven Cities of Bordahn and Kirn Boldihr.
Temple of Origan
Constructed from the dark gray Thertunstone that are plentiful in the earth near Lake Thertun, the Temple of Origin one of the three largest temples within the Faith of the Aman alongside the Cathedral of the Aman in Aminum and the now lost temple to Aman'Udros which was lost along with the Aelven city of Tell'Alore. Like much of Thogboldan, the temple was constructed on top of the existing Orcish architecture that was built long before the creation of the Dwarves during the Age of the Aman. These

The Westward

The Richer Part of town


Thogboldan was not constructed from the ground up as many other dwarven cities, but was built on the abandoned ruin of an old Orcish hold.
Founding Date
The Age of Beasts
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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