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The Independence of Seinah

Political event


The Independence of Seinah

The independence of Seinah was the result of a two major factors. The Ferran War and the Seinah Bridge

The Independence of Seinah

The Road to Independence

Dismayed that the lion's share of the revenue generated by the Seinah Bridge was being redirected, back into the high courts of Aminum, and not into Seinah who was responsible for maintaining it, the local nobility led a series of protestations in to the high courts of Aminum. These would however go largely ignored, citing the ongoing conflict in the Ferran Desert as demanding the full intention of the king.   As the war progressed, the Kingdom of Aminum found itself perpetually on their backfoot following their failiures to both secure naval dominance of the Tourmaline Sea and their military defeats attempting to secure bridgeheads in Enekland. As they fell back, the war found itself on Seinan soil. When Grenet joined the war on the side of Enekland, devestation followed and the city sacked.   With the war concluded, the crown was destitute, Seinah was a ruin and as result of the treaty necessary to end the war, a special exemption for Eneklander Traders was enforced, minimizing what little of the Tariffs were coming into Seinah.

The Fight For Independence

With much of the the Aminum host disbanded, and the lords of the land uninterested in further conflict, the high nobles of Seinah pressed the Lord of Seinah to declare it's independence, seize the bridge and seek closer trading relations with their neighbors, lest the forever be subservient under the Elector-Kings whims.   Their forces consisting mainly of Dwarven Mercenaries re-hired from the now concluded Ferran conflict, the Seinan host quickly pushed up to the bridge, even nearing the approaches to Aminum itself before their advance was ground to halt. In a similar fate as the Ferran War, they too would find themselves on their backfoots. While the Aminum Navy could not contest the combined might of both the Republic of Enekland & The Grand Duchy of Irinoff, they could dominate the seas over what few frigates Seinah maintained and so the Seinan army was forced across the bridge.   Whith the only land crossing forming a bottle neck. The amount of of soldiers the Kingdom of Aminum could hope to send at a time was limited. For weeks neither side was able to budge the other from their fortified positions but attritional warfare would ultimately still favor Aminum. A Breakthrough would be achieved one month, one week and two days since the time they had both dug in. Aminum now found itself beseiging Seinah.   At about the time the seige had began, an envoy sent from Seinah reached it's destination, the Free City of Tel'A'At. Seinah, desperate to find allies abroad, had reached out to nearly all surrounding states. Grenet and Enekland refused outright due to the recent war, and Irinoff rejected the request on the grounds that there simply was not anything to be gained from such a venture. Tel'A'At however, an up and coming trade hub would be able to leverage their impressive naval forces to block passage across the bridge and also to land their armies behind the seige lines, effectively counter-seiging the armies of Aminum. In response of course, they would demand similar access rights that Enekland had enforced already. Seinah had no choice but to accept these conditions.   The grand fleet of Tel'A'AT took to the seas by weeks end and within that next week would wrest control of the local waters from Aminum in support of Seinah. They would be bloodied in the Second Battle of the Tourmaline Sea but would be victorious, their land forces however would fail in their efforts to counter seige. The army of Aminum so thoroughly surrounded the city, the Tel'A'Ati army left massive gaps in the lines meaning supply trains could travel in and out of the seige land relatively unmolested.   The smallfolk of Aminum began rioting in the streets of Aminum, they had just lost a deeply costly war and by all accounts, it looks like they were now in the midst of another. After an incident where a city guard was said to have butchered an innocent man in front of his children, a mob broke out into a great riot in the city leading to the storming of the cities castle and demands of peace were laid to the king under pain of death by the mob.   The king would accept, and proposals would be made to nobles of Seinah. Aminum would maintain control over the bridge but would moving forward be responsible for it's maintenance and Seinah would be granted it's independence. As Aminum oversaw control of the bridge now, The Tel'A'Ati ambitions were dashed as they had no hope of seeing their casus belli enforced, souring their relations on the continent.

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