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The Formation of the Kingdom of Two Rivers



The The Kingdom of Two Rivers was the first kingdom of man, formed off the coast of Scarletsilt Island by the oldest and most powerful of clans in the region.

The proclamation of the kingdom was marked as the beginning of a new age, one not of the Aman, but of their Creations.

The The Kingdom of Two Rivers was the first kingdom of man, formed off the coast of Scarletsilt Island by the oldest and most powerful of clans in the region.

The proclamation of the kingdom was marked as the beginning of a new age, one not of the Aman, but of their Creations. Among those present at the proclomation, Aman'Yok, The God of Binding was given an honored spot on the dais above even the crowned king. It is said that Aman'Yok made no expressions either positive or negative during the crowning, only observing in a neutral disposition.

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