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One of the major races. Typical humans, present throughout most of the world owing to their adaptability.Most recent of the creatures, looked down on for being the only ones to let a god die  

Magic Amongst Humans

As the last of the Aman's races, little magic was left in the blood of man. Every few hundred years, a family may see one of their children show some abilities, but this has never amounted more than mere party tricks. Either sparks from finger tips, lesser telekensis or the power to cause mild confusion to a target.
In the Ferran Desert however, some magics, present in the other races appears in the Ferrani. Those of the Tribe of Effret for example, are said to use magic to imbue their poisons with it's terrible potency.  


Past Old Rudora and the Wastes of Illalon, past even the Ogreholds of Kruzug, lay the human lands of the distant west. When long ago, the Aman had created mankind, man was free to drift along with the currents of the wind, the tides of the sea and to even their own whims. So then, did some tribes of man wander until they had reached the lands of the Zafirah Peninsula.
Molded by their desert environment, the Westerlanders are known for their dark complexions, their resistance to arid temperatures and prowess at sailing through Inland Sea due to their settling near the [[INSERT BODY OF WATER HERE]]. The Westerlanders have long held the pursuit of the mathematics, sciences and logistics over things like military might or trade as indeed, who is there to fight? What is there to trade? The land is barren and hostile and all must work together to survive.
As part of this adaptive necessity, the Westerlanders have long held a kind of kinship with the Aelven Caravans that cross through the The Gap of Khur. They exchange knoweledge, or offer ferry services to any Aelves who wish for a faster travel south of the Wastes.
So close is the kinship between Aelves and the Westerlanders, that through the centuries the Westerlanders have begun taking on features of the Aelves. That in fact, they are now so removed from the realms of man, that they exist in a grey area between those of Man and Aelves
The Westerlanders long ago abandoned worship of the Aman, or perhaps even never worshipped them at all, but instead worship a curious structure at the heart of Zafirah Peninusla which they call [[RELIGION ]]


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