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Thesis: Primordial Goddess of Creation

Very little is known about Thesis. She is one of the three Primordial beings who has always existed. She had several children: Chronos: Primordial God of Time, Ananke: Primordial Goddess of Necessity, and Hydros: Primordial Goddess of Water. She is also notably the grandmother of Phanes: Primordial God of Life/Procreation.
Thesis created the cosmic egg out of water from which Phanes hatched. This makes Hydros the mother of Phanes and Thesis his grandmother. This is notable as Phanes was the first King of the Universe, and he was the ancestor of all other living beings created after his birth since he is the concept of life and procreation. Without Thesis life would not exist.
Other than her descendants and creation of the cosmic egg, there are no records of Thesis. Her personality and motivations are unknown. She could change her appearance at will like the other Primordial Deities. In the texts that do exist, she is most frequently referred to with she/her pronouns, but she could easily change that along with her form. Also, like many of the other primordial deities, it is believed that she has permanently cast aside her anthropomorphized form. Speculation exists that she was one of the first deities to do so leading to so few records of her existing.

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Divine Classification
Primordial Deities
Current Status
she has always existed
Female typically, but she can become male at will

Cover image: Greek temple by magic_bee


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