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Primordial Deities

A Brief History

Primordial deities were the first beings to exist. They are the personification of certain concepts and can shift between thinking , feeling, anthropomorphized existences and existing as the concept itself. For example, Gaia: Primordial Goddess of the Earth can exist as a human woman or as the literal earth. Choosing to shift does not prevent their concept from existing, instead an aspect of themselves exists separate from their concept (think of the trinity and how Jesus is God, but when Jesus was on earth, God did not stop existing).


The primordial deities are able to reproduce asexually as well as sexually. Some gave birth to other primordial deities, some gave birth to the Titans, and some gave birth to MONSTERS. In many way, they are considered the first generation of deities prior to the rise of the Titans and Olympian Gods.

In the beginning Chaos, Thesis, and Tartarus were the only beings to exist. All of the other primordial deities are the descendants of Chaos and Thesis. Tartarus is the only primordial being to never exist in his anthropomorphized form. He exists only as the pit in which other deities (primordial and titan) have been trapped.     No one has had contact with a primordial deity in millennia. It is believed that they have all permanently shifted to their concept form, abandoning their anthropomorphized forms long ago or been trapped in tartarus.

List of Primordial Deities

  • Chaos: Primordial Goddess of the Chasm of Air
  • Thesis: Primordial Goddess of Creation
  • Tartarus: Primordial God of the Pit
  • Erebus: Primordial God of Darkness
  • Nyx: Primordial Goddess of Night
  • Aether: Primordial God of Light
  • Hemera: Primordial Goddess of Day and Birds
  • Chronos: Primordial God of Time
  • Ananke: Primordial Goddess of Necessity
  • Hydros: Primordial Goddess of Water
  • Phanes: Primordial God of Life/Procreation
  • Uranus: Primordial God of the Heavens
  • Gaia: Primordial Goddess of the Earth
  • Oceanus: Primordial God of Rivers
  • Tethys: Primordial Goddess of Fresh Water
  • Ourea: Primordial God of Mountains
  • Nesoi: Primordial Goddess of Islands
Pacific Ocean from Space by blueforce4116

Cover image: Greek temple by magic_bee


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