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Phanes: Primordial God of Life/Procreation

(a.k.a. Eros and Physis)

Phanes is the son of Hydros: Primordial Goddess of Water. He hatched from a cosmic egg created by Thesis: Primordial Goddess of Creation from Water, making Thesis his grandmother.

Phanes was the Primordial God of Life and Procreation. As such, he sired future generations of Titans and created men.

He was the first King of the Universe. He would later pass that title to his daughter and wife Nyx: Primordial Goddess of Night.

While few records remain of Phanes, his appearance is described as androgynous and beautiful. He has golden wings and wears a helmet entwined with a serpent.

Little else is known about Phanes. Most believe that like the other Primordial Deities he abandoned his anthropomorphized form. None have spoken directly to Phanes in millennia.

Divine Domains

  • Life 
  • Procreation
  • Sexual Attraction when he goes by Eros


  • Scepter of the Gods - used to denote the King of the Universe. He gave this to his daughter Nyx when he passed on his title.
  • Helmet entwined with a Serpent

Holy Books & Codes

While no Holy Books or codes relate to Phanes, those who want to worship him must center their beliefs around the concepts of death and reincarnation.  This has lead to the development of cults in the past who believe that Dionysus is actually the reincarnated anthropomorphic form of Phanes.  Most simply believe that he gave up his anthropomorphized form when he passed on his title to his daughter.

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Tenets of Faith

  • All men will die and reincarnate. 
  • Procreation is an act of worship.



Divine Goals & Aspirations

To spread life throughout the universe.

by Sdf91
Divine Classification
Primordial Deities
male typically, but she goes by Physis when presenting as female

Cover image: Greek temple by magic_bee


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