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A Brief History Part 1: Rise of the Titans

The Titans were children of the Primordial Deities. The majority of them were the children of Gaia: Primordial Goddess of the Earth and Uranus: Primordial God of the Heavens. While the primordial goddess Nyx: Primordial Goddess of Night was crowned King of the Universe by her father and husband Phanes: Primordial God of Life/Procreation, few respected her rule. The majority of beings looked to Uranus as their ruler simply because he had fathered so many beings who existed at this time, including the twelve original Titans, the Cyclops, and the Hecatonchires. Uranus found the Cyclops and Hecatonchires to be ugly and disgusting (Cyclops have one eye and Hecatonchires have one hundred arms and fifty heads). Uranus locked the Cyclops and Hecatonchires in Tartarus so that he would not be forced to look upon them. Gaia was upset by this and plotted revenge. She created a sickle and asked her children, the Titans, to castrate their father. Only Kronos: Titan of Time agreed to depose of his father. When Uranus was distracted with Gaia, Kronos snuck in and castrated his father. The blood from Uranus hit the earth and created the Giantes (a tribe of Giants), the Erinyes (Furies of Vengeance), and the Meliae (Ash-Tree Nymphs). Kronos used his action to seize power from his father as Uranus retreated into his concept form and was never seen again. Kronos freed his siblings from Tartarus temporarily and used his siblings to steal the Scepter of the Gods from Nyx, becoming the King of the Universe.  

A Brief History Part 2: Rule of the Titans

After Kronos seized power, he re-imprisoned the Cyclops and the Hecatonchires angering his mother. The Primordial Deities who did not acknowledge Kronos as their King returned to their concept form with a few being thrown in Tartarus when they chose to remain in their anthropomorphized forms.   The Golden Age of the Gods began. Kronos created the first humans out of clay. The inhabitants of the earth were thought to be inherently moral and thus did not require rules or laws to live by. They did not need to work, and they did not experience suffering. It is even believed that when they died, their souls continued to roam the earth. While the people were happy, Gaia was not. Angry with her son for imprisoning his brothers just as her husband had, she prophesied that one of Kronos' children would rise against him and overthrow him. To prevent this from happening, Kronos swallowed all of the children he had with his sister and wife Rhea: Titan of the Mountains whole. Like her mother before her, Rhea plotted against her husband for the sake of her children.   Rhea came up with a plan to protect her son Zeus: Olympian God of Thunder. When Kronos came to swallow Zeus, Rhea instead gave him a rock. She hid Zeus away and waited for him to grow and overthrow his father.  

A Brief History Part 3: The Fall of the Titans

  When he grew older, Zeus slipped a poison in his father's drink which caused Uranus to become violently ill and vomit up Zeus' siblings. Zeus then led his siblings in a war against almost all of the Titans. This war was called the Titanomachy. The only Titans to side with the Olympian Gods were Themis: Titan of Order and Prometheus: Titan of Forethought. Together with these Titans and his siblings, Zeus freed the Cyclops, who created Zeus' thunderbolts, and the Hecatonchires, who hurled giant rocks at the Titans leading to victory for the Olympian Gods.   Zeus and his brothers, Poseidon and Hades, drew straws to see who would gain control over the skys, sea, and Tartarus. Zeus also became the new King of the Universe and locked all of the Titans excepting Themis and Prometheus in Tartarus to be guarded by the Hecatonchires.   Prometheus would later be imprisoned in Tartarus as well. He disagreed with Zeus about how humans should be treated. Prometheus famously stole fire for humans, and he was chained in a cavern in Tartarus destined to have his regenerating liver eaten by eagles.

List of Titans

  • Kronos: Titan of Time
  • Rhea: Titan of the Mountains
  • Hyperion: Titan of Light
  • Iepatos: Titan of Morality and Life-Span
  • Koios: Titan of Intelligence
  • Oceanus: Titan of Oceans

Cover image: Greek temple by magic_bee


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