
You are an agent of an individual with great political power (such as a ruler, clan leader or head of an organization), carrying out the will of the master or mistress you have sworn yourself to. Your tasks vary from mission to mission, and may take anywhere from days to decades to accomplish. To the public you may be little more than a low-ranking courtier, bureaucrat or diplomat. Those in the know however understand your presence is an extension of the will of the powers that be. Your missions might simply range from delivering important messages to gathering intelligence. Or you might be more involved, foiling plots, assassinating threats, as well as sabotaging or manipulating rivals.
When creating an Agent character, consider how you were chosen for this role. Were you born into it, trained from a young age? Or were you chosen due to a particular skill or deed that caught the attention of your master/mistress? Are you loyal out of duty, fear, obligation, love, genuine conviction, or personal ambition? Does your loyalty have limits, or were you ever even loyal to begin with? What is your relationship with the one you serve, are you a friend, a confidant, a tool?   Ability Scores: +1 to one of DEX, INT or CHA
Feat: Choose an Origin Feat that would regularly help you during your missions (Skilled or Lucky come to mind, Musician perhaps if you often pose as a wandering minstrel of some sort, or Linguist if you regularly have to interact with foreign officials).
Skill Proficiencies: Choose two skills from the following list to be proficient in: Arcana, Deception, History, Investigation, Performance, Persuasion, Religion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth.
Language/Tool Proficiencies: Choose a total of two Language or Instrument proficiencies, you may also pick the poisoner’s kit, disguise kit or thieves tools.
Equipment: 25 SP, which you can use to buy things for the prices listed in Economy & Prices.   Feature: Thy Will be done
You have in your possession an object that, to the right people, will without a shadow of a doubt identify you as an agent of the individual you serve. The degree to which this will be useful varies from location to location, and is highly dependent on the identity of the one you serve. Some places it might open doors locked to most others, have people overlook minor misdeeds or even get you out of prison, other places it might get you laughed at, thrown into prison or even added to a hitlist.
It should go without saying that this object is not to be openly flaunted or gods forbid given away.

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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