
Explorers are the daring individuals who venture into the unknown, driven by curiosity, ambition, and the thrill of uncovering the unknown. They are the pathfinders who chart new territories, discover hidden secrets, and push the boundaries of civilization. Many great rulers sponsor Explorers in a desire to uncover the secrets of their own domain or push its boundaries further. Most maps used in current day Kashura are the result of the work of countless explorers, their records, stories and rumored discoveries. The discoveries of the greatest explorers can often alter the course of entire nations, discovering new habitable land, new trade routes and resources. The greatest explorers often have their names go down in history next to those of great rulers and scholars.
This all may sound amazing, but the life of an explorer is far from glamorous. Many spend months if not years away from civilization, having only themselves to rely on. They must be adept at everything from foraging and navigation to diplomacy and combat, as they never know what or who they might encounter on their journeys. An explorer's reputation is built on the tales of their adventures, the maps they create, and the ruins and relics they uncover, and those who fail to make it big tend to die alone in the wilderness, or drift away into obscurity.
When creating an Explorer character, think about what drives you to venture into the unknown. Are you seeking riches, the thrill of adventure, are you perhaps a scholar with a more active approach to research? What lands have you explored, and what discoveries have you made? Have you had any sponsors in the past, or do you perhaps still have one? Consider how your experiences have shaped who you are. Are you more of a meticulous planner or do you take risks more easily? Do you have any trauma’s, or any phobias that, until you encountered “that one thing” during your journeys you did not know you had?   Ability Scores: +1 to one of CON, INT, WIS
Feat: Choose an Origin Feat that would have been reasonably useful during your journey (Alert, Skilled and Lucky immediately come to mind for me, but there are of course other options).
Skill Proficiencies: Choose two skills from the following list to be proficient in: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Stealth, Survival.
Language/Tool Proficiencies: You gain proficiency with Cartographers Tools and one other Tool, Language, Instrument or Vehicle type.
Equipment: 25 SP, which you can use to buy things for the prices listed in Economy & Prices.   Feature: Untold Discoveries Choose one region of the world that you have explored in the past. During one of your journeys here you have discovered something truly incredible, perhaps an ancient ruin, an untouched valley or an until then unknown civilization hidden from the rest of the world? Work with your DM to figure out what exactly it is that you discovered.
Decide whether or not you have made this discovery public, or if you kept it secret. If public, your name is known among certain people as a renowned explorer, which might open some doors for you in unexpected places. If secret, you are possibly one of the only people alive who knows about this place, something that might be useful to you over the course of the campaign, a dungeon to explore, land to claim or resources to exploit.

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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