Folk Hero

Folk Heroes are figures of often humble origins, that have gained a sense of fame and recognition among the common populace of a certain region for their heroic deeds and feats. Their presence alone can often reassure people, and inspire followers to rise above their station. Such stories can often grow out of proportion though. A farmer defending his village from a small group of bandits with a pitchfork, might over time swell into a heroic descendant of ancient royal houses, wielding a legendary sword to cleave evildoers in two with a single swing!
When creating a Folk Hero character, consider the things you are known for. Did you actually do all those things? Are the rumors exaggerated, if so how much? Are you simply going with the flow or are you trying to cultivate certain image? What is known about you, would people even recognize you if they saw you, or is all they know a name and a story?
Finally, consider the culture of the region in which your heroics are known. What some people may consider heroic, others may view as dishonorable, cowardly or improper.   Ability Scores: +1 to one of STR, DEX, WIS or CHA.
Feat: Choose an Origin Feat which best reflects the heroic deeds you have performed. (Are you known for overwhelming feats of strength? Tavern Brawler of Tough might Work. Have you managed to warn a city from an approaching army? Then Alert or Lucky might be for you. Have you ended the conflict between two groups of people? Then Linguist or Skilled might work)
Skill Proficiencies: Choose two skills from the following list to be proficient in: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Medicine, Persuasion, Stealth, Survival.
Language/Tool Proficiencies: pick a total number of 2 language, tool, vehicle or instrument proficiencies that best suit your story.
Equipment: 25 SP, which you can use to buy things for the prices listed in Economy & Prices.   Feature: Larger than Life
Choose one Region of Kashura in which your story is known. The common folk in that region may extend courtesies to you and your party, offering a place to stay, meals to eat, general information about the area and even may run minor errands for you, provided you give them no reason to doubt your story, and they view it favorably. This favor can sour quickly though, so make sure that any nefarious acts you commit have no witnesses, and not to be too much of a dick.
Furthermore, when you make skill checks using charisma in an effort to convince people you are capable of something (I can handle it/Run if you don't want to feel my SPECIAL MOVE etc.), you have advantage on the roll. A person must be aware of your story and BELIEVE it for this to work.

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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