
While the term mercenary usually refers to soldiers for hire, it can also refer to general contractors skilled in the ways of violence and crowd control. From Caravan guards, to hired killers and exterminators, mercenary work tends to be quite dirty and lacking in glory, but that does not change the fact that their services are almost always needed somewhere. Mercenaries thrive where regular soldiers and guards are stretched thin, in frontiers and regions afflicted by instability and unrest. A mercenary however isn’t just a killer, they provide a service, and like all those who do they must be careful who they do business with, and what type of business they sign up for, killing your employer because they refuse to pay you doesn’t look good on a resume after all (even if it’s cathartic in the moment).
More than most other professions, mercenaries must rely on their reputation to get jobs that pay well, and so that reputation must be cultivated. The stereotype of mercenaries is one of untrustworthy, bloodthirsty killers that will turn on their employer on a dime. To counteract such rumors spreading about them, some mercenaries choose to adopt a public persona of discretion and professionalism, others lean into it to encourage their employers to pay generously. The type of jobs one accepts also matter greatly in shaping public perception. Only taking guard jobs? Then people might consider you a reliable protector… or a coward.
When creating a Mercenary character, consider all those things, where have you worked before and under whom? What types of jobs do you specialize in (if any), and what type of public persona, if any, are you trying to maintain?   Ability Scores: +1 to one of STR, DEX or CHA
Feat: Choose an Origin Feat that would be useful for your profession (Tough or Savage Attacker are no-brainers, but skilled with a focus on charisma skills might also be a viable choice if you focus on negotiation, Alert if your main thing is watch duties, or Healer if you have battlefield medicine training).
Skill Proficiencies: Choose two skills from the following list to be proficient in: Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Survival.
Language/Tool Proficiencies: pick a total number of 2 language, tool, vehicle or instrument proficiencies that would be the most useful for your usual jobs. If you focus on more covert actions, you also have the option of taking proficiency in thieves’ tools, disguise kit or poisoner's kit.
Equipment: 25 SP, which you can use to buy things for the prices listed in Economy & Prices.   Feature: Resume & Reputation In your time as a mercenary, you have gathered much knowledge on the trade, and have managed to accumulate a backlog of many satisfied (or terrified) customers. Your reputation precedes you in the right circles, and you have no trouble finding work most places you go, knowing just where to go and who to ask… now if it pays well, that is another question.

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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