Otherworldly Heritage

Among the millions of people that inhabit the continent of Kashura, there are a select few who draw some of their heritage from the influence of otherworldly realms and entities. The way in which this manifests varies wildly, as does the way in which it is perceived by different cultures and people groups around the continent.
The physical signifiers of such heritage may be as subtle as an unusual eye or hair color, sharper teeth or different pupil shapes, or as plain to see as unnatural skin or scale colors, growths of extra wings, horns, eyes and whatever else one one can think of. Some others don’t have any physical signifiers at all, their true nature only becoming apparent once they discover their abilities. Such people are sometimes confused for Hybrids, as the difference is not always apparent to the casual observer.   Besides their physical signifiers, those of otherworldly heritage often possess some form of supernatural or innate magical abilities, though this is not a hard rule.
Furthermore, most of them seem to be sterile, or at least very infertile. It is almost unheard of for people of otherworldly heritage to be able to conceive.   The stories about how these people have come to be are numerous and almost schizophrenic in their nature:
Children of literal gods, OR the spawn of dark entities sired from the bodies of their victims. Brought to life by dark pacts and rituals, OR by holy covenant. The result of frequent proximity to magically unstable realms before birth as well as otherworldly corruption, and whatever else the minds of people around the world can come up with. The only common denominator really seems to be an apparent heritage outside the natural world.
They are known as Godsent, Devilkin, Vilebloods, Voidborn, The Marked, Farfolk and by countless other descriptors.    

Playing a Character of Otherworldly Heritage:

Otherworldly Heritage is not a primary Strain. It has no primary Strain abilities and can only be chosen by hybridizing from a different Strain, using Visual only or More Options, as described in the article on Hybrids.
This Sub-Strain is basically a catch-all for generic supernatural abilities which didn’t really fit with any of the other Strains Lore-wise, or are something that all of them could have access to if they were exposed to otherworldly magics or whatever else.   When you choose to play a character of otherworldly heritage, keep in mind what that means for that character. They possess strange, supernatural powers, but do not know their source and true nature. They were most likely either shunned and ostracized, or held up as some sort of messianic child of prophecy by their local community.   You of course don’t need Otherworldly Heritage for any of those things, player characters in this setting are after all plenty special already, but by taking this option it will basically be a given.
And yes, I am aware that while I may be formulating this as a warning it really only serves as a way to make playing as one of these more attractive. The venn diagram of people that make all of their characters different flavors of sad boys and people that exclusively play Aasimar, Tieflings, Dhampirs and the other edgy races is basically a circle after all.    

Strain Abilities:

By using More Options for their Otherworldly Heritage, a character can gain access to the following Optional Strain Abilities.  

Heavenly Spark: (1 SP)

A rather subtle manifestation of otherworldly heritage, these individuals possess a natural resistance to some attacks usually associated with Divine and Oath Magic. Some say it is a blessing of the gods.
  • You gain resistance to radiant damage.
  • Heavenly Aspect: (3 SP)

  • Prerequisites: The Heavenly Spark Strain Ability or some other form of resistance to radiant damage.
  • This ability cannot be chosen with the Shadow Aspect Strain Ability.
  • For some this spark is much stronger than for others. These individuals often possess golden or platinum hair and/or scales, and their eyes shimmer with an unearthly, beautiful glow.
  • You gain immunity to radiant damage.
  • Your eyes shed dim light in a 5ft. radius.
  • You gain advantage on all saving throws to resist minor and major diseases.
  • Mark of Shadow: (1 SP)

    A rather subtle manifestation of otherworldly heritage, these individuals possess a natural resistance to rot and decay. Viewed as a blessing by some and a portent of doom by others, these individuals are often associated with death.
  • You gain resistance to necrotic damage.
  • Shadow Aspect: (3 SP)

  • Prerequisites: The Mark of Shadow Strain Ability or some other form of resistance to necrotic damage.
  • This ability cannot be chosen with the Heavenly Aspect Strain Ability.
  • For some this connection to death is much stronger than others, their bodies taking on aspects of a walking corpse. Their skin is often pale or even paper white, and their body is cold to the touch. A positive is their immunity to rot and decay, which makes them not only formidable foes for the unliving, but also slows down their aging process significantly.
  • You gain immunity to necrotic damage.
  • Your natural lifespan increases by 50 years.
  • Your body is cold to the touch.
  • Spectral Wings: (2 SP)

    Some people of otherworldly heritage have the ability to channel Magic through their body, allowing them to mimic the flying abilities of certain Strains. This ability often creates exhaust plumes of magical energy on their backs, which are said to look like spectral wings.
  • You can use a bonus action to grant yourself a flying speed equal to your walking speed for the next minute.
  • You can use this ability an amount of times equal to half your proficiency bonus, rounded up, and you regain all uses after a long rest.
  • Emanate Aspect: (1 SP or 2 SP)

  • Prerequisites: Either The Heavenly Spark or Mark of Shadow Strain Ability, AND a minimum of +2 Charisma OR Wisdom from Strain, Class and Background.
  • These individuals can carry their Otherworldly Heritage outwards, causing it to inspire various emotions in those surrounding them, searing the flesh of onlookers or rotting it away through their mere presence. It is said that these abilities sometimes flare up in moments of extreme passion and anger.
  • When you choose this Strain Ability, pick one of the two following options (you may also spend 2 SP instead of one to be able to choose which one you use every time you activate this ability, rather than picking only one):
  • Inspire: As a bonus action, you may let the otherworldly energies of your body flow free, inspiring fear or awe in those surrounding you. Every creature within 10ft. of you has to succeed on a Charisma Saving Throw (DC = 8 + Prof. + WIS/CHA). A creature that fails is either Charmed (Heavenly Spark) or Frightened (Mark of Shadow) by you until the end of your next turn (if you have both you may choose which when you transform).
  • Emanate: As a bonus action, you may let the otherworldly energies of your body flow free, causing damage to those surrounding you. When you first activate this ability, every creature within 10ft. of you takes radiant (Heavenly Spark) or necrotic (Mark of Shadow) damage equal to 2x your Proficiency Bonus (if you have both you may choose which when you transform). They then take damage of the same type of damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus whenever they start their turn within 10ft. of you or move there during their turn, though no more than once per round.
  • When you activate this ability you transform for 1 minute; The visual changes are up to you, they can be as subtle as a change in eye color or as apparent as a completely different body. While this transformation is active, you may deal an additional amount of radiant (Heavenly Spark) or necrotic (Mark of Shadow) damage equal to your proficiency bonus when you deal damage, though only once per turn and only to 1 creature (if you have both you may choose which when you transform).
  • You can use this ability an amount of times equal to half your proficiency bonus, rounded up, and you regain all uses after a long rest.
  • If you also have the Spectral Wings Strain Ability, you may activate both it and this ability with the same bonus action.
  • The Eye of Heaven: (2 SP)

  • Prerequisites: The Heavenly Aspect Strain Ability AND Proficiency in Perception.
  • Whether actually divine or not, a select few people of otherworldly heritage possess what scholars refer to as “The Eye of Argannon”, a third eye of sorts on the forehead which is said to reveal the truth of the world and in the hearts of mortals alike. While it doesn’t actually have to be an eye, it more often than not looks like one.
  • You have a growth or mark on your forehead which represents your third eye. (It doesn’t have to be an eye, could also be a scar, a mark, a crystal or something similar)
  • As an action you may focus your gaze, gaining Truesight out to a range of 30ft. for the next minute.
  • You can use this ability once, gaining 1 additional use at level 9 and 17, and regain all uses when you finish a long rest. You may activate this ability even if you don’t have any uses left, though doing so inflicts 1 level of exhaustion.
  • Life Leech: (2 SP)

  • Prerequisites: The Shadow Aspect Strain Ability.
  • While some of the effects that come from being closely tethered to the realms of death and decay may even be deemed desirable by some, they always carry a price. These individuals feed on the life essence of others, making them ferocious enemies in battle, and monsters in the eyes of most.
  • You no longer need to eat or drink to sustain yourself, though you may still consume and digest regular food if you wish to do so, it just doesn’t provide sustenance.
  • Your presence alone is unsettling to most, you have advantage on all intimidation checks and disadvantage on all persuasion checks.
  • Living creatures other than you cannot regain hit points while within your melee range.
  • When you kill a living creature or a living creature dies within your melee range, you may use your reaction and spend 1 of your unused hit dice to regain hit points equal to 1d8 + your Constitution Modifier, though not any more than the Max HP of that creature. The amount of Hit Dice you can spend with one use of this ability increases to 2 at level 5, 3 at level 9, 4 at level 13 and 5 at level 17, increasing the amount of d8’s rolled by the same amount.
  • You must feed on lifeforce equal to 1/10 of your own Max HP (rounded up) every three days, or take 1 level of exhaustion for every day you fail to make up the difference. These levels of exhaustion do not begin to recover until you manage to do so.
  • Mana Breathing: (2 SP)

    Some people of otherworldly heritage have no need for air, instead breathing in the magical energies which suffuse and flow through the World.
  • You do not need air to breathe, as your lungs instead take in the magical leyline energies of the world.
  • You cannot breathe in Dead Magic Zones. You can “hold your breath” in such areas for an amount of turns equal to 2x your Constitution modifier, after which you fall unconscious and have to start rolling death saves.
  • Mana Form: (2 SP)

    Some people of otherworldly heritage are more closely tethered to the magical energies of the world than others. A select few can become one with those energies temporarily, turning their body into pure Magic, becoming translucent and capable of phasing through solid objects and people alike. It is said to be an ecstatic sensation that one can lose themselves in, if they are not careful. The skin of these individuals is said to often take a ghostly pale blue tone.
  • As a bonus action, you can turn yourself translucent and incorporeal until the beginning of your next turn (the exact visuals of this are up to you). While in this state you can move through creatures and obstacles, and you cannot interact with creatures or objects, make attacks or cast spells that require material components. (Make sure you don’t get stuck :) )
  • This ability does not function in Dead Magic Zones, and may behave strangely in High Magic Zones.
  • You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all uses when you finish a long rest.
  • Mana Sight: (2 SP)

  • Prerequisites: Minimum +2 Wisdom from Strain, Class and Background.
  • Through their close link to the natural magical energies of the world, some people of otherworldly heritage can see and feel said energies as naturally as some of us breathe, though their reliance on Magic to orientate themselves has some… drawbacks.
  • You can cast Detect Magic at will, requiring neither concentration, nor verbal or somatic components.
  • You are blind while within a Dead Magic Zone, and while observing them from outside you only see pitch blackness.
  • Mind Whispers: (2 SP)

    Beware The Whispers of The Children of Menessa, for they peer into your heart, mind and soul alike, or so the saying goes. Far from the truth, as these individuals merely possess innate psychic abilities, allowing them to communicate by thought alone. Impressive in its own right, but not witchcraft. This strain of otherworldly abilities is most commonly associated with those of horned heads and white or blue complexion.
  • You can telepathically engage in conversation with any creature within 60ft. that you can see and share a language with.
  • You can also attempt to impersonate their own thoughts, pretending to be their conscience and the like, the success of which will vary depending on your voice acting skills.
  • Hypnotic Gaze: (3 SP or 5 SP)

  • Prerequisites: Minimum of +2 Charisma from Strain, Class and Background.
  • Dangerous and alluring is The Gaze of the Children of Gammondrath, or so the saying goes. The eyes of these individuals are said to draw in the observer, and make them suggestible to their owners demands. This strain of otherworldly abilities is most commonly associated with those of horned heads and purple or red complexion.
  • Your eyes take a deep red or purple color.
  • You can cast Charm Person at will, requiring neither verbal nor somatic components, though you do require direct eye contact with the target, and creatures aware of this ability can avoid it by actively averting their eyes. Furthermore, if the target is in any way sexually attracted to you it will regard you as a lover instead of a friend.
  • You can only affect one creature at a time with this ability (unless you spend 5 SP instead of 3 SP) and can dismiss it at will.
  • A creature that succeeds on a saving throw against this ability is immune to it for the next 24 hours.
  • One with Shadow: (3 SP)

  • Prerequisites: Minimum +2 Dexterity from Strain, Class and Background.
  • Beware The Blade of The Children of Azathelarin, those who live and stride through shadows, or so the saying goes. These individuals are said to be born of darkness, capable of easily striding through and fading into and out of the shadows. This strain of otherworldly abilities is most commonly associated with those of horned heads and black or green complexion.
  • While in Dim Light or Darkness the shadows hide your presence. You may spend an action to turn invisible. You will remain invisible until you either move, attack, cast a spell or bright light illuminates the place you are standing in.
  • While in Dim Light or Darkness the shadows hasten your steps. Your movement speed increases by 10ft.

  • Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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