The Great Lu-Shin Forest

The Great Lu-Shin Forest is arguably one of the largest contiguous areas of forested Land on the continent, rivaled in scale only by The Devoj Wilderness, with similar claims to fame. The Great Lu-Shin forest is, according to some theories, the place where The Wildkin Strain found its origins, and it is to this day populated almost exclusively by members of that strain. However, the role it takes in making up the geopolitical landscape of the regions it bleeds into is more akin to a desert than a forest, especially the deeper parts being so dense and difficult to navigate, that anyone but a native will find it next to impossible to cross. Those exact natives have lived on these lands for supposedly thousands of years, their lifestyle relatively unchanged, either wandering or settling down in smaller towns and villages of perhaps a few hundred people each. However, there are rumors of an ancient city hidden deep in the heart of The Great Lu-Shin Forest, remnant of an ancient civilization predating all others. They call it Kinmekyo, or The Golden City. Most likely nonsense, unless one believes that the natives of Lu-Shin have been hiding such wonders from the outside world for over 1000 years.
In terms of climate and vegetation, The Great Lu-Shin Forest can be subdivided into three distinct zones: The Swamplands and Bayous in the south, characterized by vast bodies of relatively shallow waters and high temperatures, the dense Dark Woods in the center with their extremely dense canopy and high rainfall, and the boreal taigas to the north, characterized by their low temperatures and open canopy, making travel by land much easier than the more southern regions.
It goes without saying that The Great Lu-Shin Forest is home to some of the most unique and obscure life-forms on all of Kashura, such as The Speckled Greathorn, and The Venomaw Hydra.

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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