The Kazovka Range

The Kazovka Range is a vast mountain range in the far east of Kashura, encircling the territories of The Astarojna Dominion in The Devoj Wilderness. If ancient elven history is to be believed, it came into existence with an eruption of apocalyptic scale, following the events of The Burning of the First Tree (see: The Elven Strain).
The mountains of The Kazovka Range nowadays serve as a barrier, preventing the otherworldly corruption of the lands which it encircles to seep into the rest of The Devoj Wilderness. While the sides facing towards The Sea of Jezabel are said to be almost unnaturally smooth with little to no vegetation, the sides facing away from it are covered in dense forest and fertile soil. Many medicinal herbs are said to grow here in abundance.

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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