The Tatar League

The Tatar League is a merchant confederation which came into existence in the year 48 pSF, specifically for the purpose of regulating the production, price and distribution of Spellsilk, a highly valuable fabric, widely sought after for all sorts of enchantments.
Besides these regulations, its member cities however act independently on most issues, and even engage in disputes over territory and shipping rights from time to time.  


The Tatar League counts amongst its territories the combined claims of its 4 members, which together encompass and incorporate the entirety of The Tatargazi Bayou and its surrounding lands. This includes The hills and highlands to the west of Yeresh, the vast floodplains between it and Efra, The highlands surrounding Dagaazi and a sizable length of The Nezendi River together with its Riverbanks.
This region is the most densely populated in the entirety of Lower Zagesi, and home to roughly 500.000 people.  


As its members tend to act independently from one another on most issues not regarding Spellsilk, The Tatar League does not have a formal governing body, and important matters are discussed privately between the individual cities leadership.  


While each of its member cities can look back on a long and rich history, The Tatar League has only existed for 80 years. It has stayed mostly uninvolved in the political struggles of the time, doing business with anyone and everyone that has the coin and follows protocol.
While the individual members had and still have many disagreements with one another that occasionally flare up into open conflict, usually over territory, shipping rights or tariffs, the region has become a good bit more peaceful since the Leagues establishment, as the other uninvolved parties will act as mediators, ensuring that no large-scale conflicts interrupt the flow of commerce.  

Laws & Institutions:

As the members of The Tatar League all have their own law codes, the laws of the League itself exclusively deal with economic standards and ceremonials.  

Major Settlements:

Dagaazi - one of the 4 members of The Tatar League, a city state with a population of around 25.000 people, most of which are of The Hominid Strain. Dagaazi is a relatively new city compared to the standard of the region, having only existed for around 200 years. Ever since its founding, the city has been controlled pretty much by one single family, originally a clan of highland marauders that consolidated control over the surrounding area, until they could support an actual state, small as it may be. Little remains of that past, and Dagaazi is nowadays most well known for its many mines and blacksmiths, producing weapons and armor of exceptional quality.   Efra - one of the 4 members of The Tatar League, is said to be one of the oldest cities in all of Lower Zagesi. It lies on a bend of The Nezendi River, surrounded by fertile floodplains, and is the main producer of grain, livestock and most other agricultural products in the region. Nowadays, the city of Efra is home to around 50.000 people many of which are hominids and Zoltai, while its surrounding lands inhabit many more. While Efra is a democratic republic, only the city's elite are eligible to vote. Due to the abundant need for manual labor, slavery is heavily practiced in and around Efra, though their treatment is heavily regulated to ensure “humane treatment”.   Talnaar - one of the 4 members of The Tatar League, with a mixed population of around 20.000 people. Until very recently, Talnaar was more or less a footnote in the region's history, insignificant to the larger political conflicts of its neighbors. This all changed when an elven weaver in the city, more or less by accident created the first Spellsilk. This new resource catapulted Talnaar into the limelight and brought untold wealth to the city, though it knew it could not keep the secret forever, as its neighbors were getting ready to launch an invasion. To prevent a war it would clearly lose, Talnaar proposed the creation of The Tatar League. It would lay open the secrets of creating Spellsilk to its neighbors, and in exchange the 4 cities would work in tandem to ensure it would stay a secret. Fast forward to today, and while Talnaar remains the smallest of the 4 cities in terms of population, it has become fabulously wealthy, dominating the region in several industries, most of all shipbuilding and of course textiles. It as of now also has the largest navy in all of Lower Zagesi, ready to protect its assets, wherever they may lie.   Yeresh - one of the 4 members of The Tatar League, it was said to have been founded by a group of Draconid refugees somewhere between 800 and 600 pSF. Its location is certainly part of its success, as it has plenty of access to freshwater, fertile lands for farming, mountains and highlands for mining, and not 1, but 2 woodlands for lumber. What Yeresh is however by far most known for are jewelry and glassmaking. Pieces from Yeresh include styles and techniques from both draconid and hominid traditions, creating a very unique look and appeal that is coveted by many, as the two rarely are seen together. Yeresh is currently home to around 35.000 people, around 60% of which are hominids, though there is also a sizable draconid minority.

The Tatar League


Region: Middle East - Lower Zagesi


Population: ~500.000 people
Strains: Hominids ~70%, Other ~30%
Religion: The Ur-Ashaar


Government: merchant confederation
Rulers: N/A
Influence: moderate


50 copper grains = 1 silver glimmer
25 silver glimmers = 1 gold sovereign

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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