
The Yurekai are a vast group of nomadic merchants, traders and craftsmen that inhabit The Daga-Kurum Desert and a number of cities spread out over most of the continent. While they usually focus on business and commerce through their vast trading network, they are no strangers to dabbling in political affairs when it suits them.
To be a Yurekani however doesn’t mean to be part of a guild or association, but a tightly woven family thousands strong. It means to have freedoms and opportunities many can only dream of, to know that you will never stand alone, and at the same time to have many duties and obligations to people that, while tangentially related, might be somewhere on the other end of the continent.
Most Yurekani are part of A Yurekai clan, born and raised surrounded by their kin. However, they also adopt people, orphans and urchins especially, as in the culture of The Yurekai, to leave a child to fend for itself is considered a great stain on one’s character.
Adoptions of adults are very rare, but do happen, usually when an outsider has earned the absolute trust of a Yurekani. That person is then made responsible, should their "ward" turn out to be untrustworthy. By Yurekai customs, the person vouching for an outsider is considered that person's parent until they are properly trained and entered into the core family structure, leading to some rather funny interactions if said ward is older than their “parent”.   Ability Scores: dependent on specialization.
Feat: An Origin Feat that makes sense for your specialization (for example Lucky/Skilled for Informant, Crafter for Merchant/Craftsman, Alert for Nomad, Tough or Savage Attacker for Problem Solver)
Skill Proficiencies: dependent on specialization.
Language/Tool Proficiencies: You gain proficiency in the Yurekani language and either one other language or artisans tool. If you are a Problem Solver, you may instead gain proficiency in the poisoner’s kit.
Equipment: 25 SP, which you can use to buy things for the prices listed in Economy & Prices.   Feature: Part of the Family
You are part of The vast Yurekai network, which means you probably have a contact you can use to get information, send messages or acquire certain goods in most major cities on Kashura. While some minor updates on the go-ons in the region might not cost you much, they may ask for a favor in return if what you’re asking for takes some “effort”. Family discounts apply.
You may also choose one of the 6 Yurekai cities (Amurad, Ayula, Koltai, Meddenasir, Tamerlane, Temettasir). You are well-connected there and can probably throw around some names to get you into places you definitely have no business being in.    

Yurekani Specializations:

Informant: You specialize in finding information and getting it to the right people for the right price (family discounts apply).
Gain a +1 Bonus to INT, WIS or CHA, as well as proficiency in 2 of the following skills: Investigation, Insight, Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion.   Merchant/Craftsman: You specialize in procuing and moving merchandise both in an open and covert manner (family discounts apply).
Gain a +1 Bonus to DEX, WIS or CHA, as well as proficiency in 2 of the following skills: Sleight of Hand, Insight, Survival, Deception, Persuasion.   Nomad: You tend to spend most of your time outside of cities, keeping an eye out for the family and anything that might be of interest to them.
Gain a +1 Bonus to STR, DEX or WIS, as well as proficiency in 2 of the following skills: Athletics, Stealth, Animal Handling, Perception, Survival.   Problem Solver: While few members of the family are strangers to making ”issues” disappear, few specialize in it. Whenever there is someone or something that cannot be dealt with through normal means though it’s your time to shine. You probably spent some time in Temettasir, training under The Vulture.
Gain a +1 Bonus to STR, DEX or CHA, as well as proficiency in 2 of the following skills: Athletics, Acrobatics, Stealth, Intimidation, Performance.

Cover image: by Temarius Walker


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