
"Some bless Aranorin as the cradle in which mortals were given a fighting chance against the inequities of the world. Others curse it, for it birthed the greatest violence the world has ever known."
Aranorin is a magocracy in the eastern stretch of the continent of Draakrahlr. For over a millenia, Aranorin has been the hot spot for mages and wizards, using its control over the The King's Labyrinth to create some of the finest mage guilds and magic schools Aanrah has ever known. It has also been the center of non-stop war since before the end of the second era- a fact which is still applicable in the modern era.


Aranorin culture is heavily influenced and revolves around magic and the fact that it is considered the cultural center of the magic using world on Aanrah. Magic use and skill is the end-all-be-all in Aranorin, and this is only strengthened by the fact that their politics and upper class is fully dominated and controlled by skilled magic users. Social mobility exists almost solely through magical skill and prowess, or through providing use to those who do have magical talent.
As the sort of magical capitol of Aanrah, Aranorin sees a high number of travelers and imigrants, making its own culture rather varied and diverse. Still, it's other culture's view of magic and magical practices that come over more than others. Aranorin culture puts high priority on flashing wealth and power, and this can usually be seen in ostentatious clothing and jewelry. Ornate and complicated magic trinkets are common and also other signs of power and importance among Aranorin people, though the type, make, and purpose can make or break relationships with those in the know-how.
Aranorins are surprisingly tolerant of the generally more pursecuted races. Their value in knowledge and learning above all else means they highly value the imput of beings who may use power more readily than they can, and their confidence in their own strength means they rarely see species like dragons or demons as a real threat. That said, they are just as likely to view these races as objects more than as people, and this is coupled with the legality of summoning demons and particular ownership of what would otherwise be considered sapient races.


There is heavy debate about the exact origins of Aranorin - if it was the remains of Szaifudrus's kingdom, or one of its neighbors - but it is still generally believed to have originated around the time of Baza's vanishing. Records indicate that it underwent several hand changes for the first few centuries of its tumultuous existence, but eventually evened out to becoming a magocracy that strongly banked on having the King's Labyrinth under its control. Over the millenia, this region expanded to where it is now, and has largely been at war with its neighbors to some capacity or another since.

Demography and Population

Aranorin has a rather dense population for its territory, and the vast bulk of it occupies only a handful of cities - namely, its capitol Iírnfœ and Neictompahr. A majority of its population is human, with the second largest population being high elves. It has a variable mix of other races as minorities, all of which are accepted in Aranorin but may not all be treated quite as equally.
19% of the population is unemployed, giving it the 55th largest unemployment rate. 8% of the population is in poverty, given it the 60th smallest poverty rate. Only 80% of the population is literate, giving it the 75th lowest literacy rate.
The average Aranorin is expected to live their race's average life span, but those in the higher wrungs of society - especially those magically inclined - are expected to live longer. Sometimes, a lot longer. The death rate in Aranorin is a bit higher than average, in part due to their constant conflict with neighbors and the general danger that comes with being a nation of magical researchers, but the influx of immigrants makes this increase negligable. The birth rate is about average when compared to the general global average.

Foreign Relations

Aranorin has a wide slew of relationships with other nations. Of its immediate neighbors, it is currently at war with The Crowned Republic of Beulvotoiotre and Reznorn, who are both supported by their neighbor Biugnecuoste. It holds a neutral stance with Cofrooct Szecr in exchange for aid and neutrality with The Northern Kingdom, and similarly holds neutrality with Fréau. It has a contentious relationship with Kœngugogrii, but currently holds a peace treaty with them. It is actively allied with The Democracy of Liile and Sózug, in whom it gives handsome offerings of magical items.
The general surrounding region and visiting powers view Aranorin as a dangerous nation prone to making threats at their neighbors, and who has the power and capacity to back their threats. They are viewed with unease and distrust, and the knowledge that they are fully capable of doing serious harm if they wanted.
~39,950,000 (25th Largest)
Land Area
~34,000 sq/mi (43rd Largest)
Total Area
~44,000 sq/mi (66th Largest)
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Official Languages
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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