Kht'oth (Weg'olw'chyen; /xtʼoth/)

The Lord of Seven Colors, Emperor of a Thousand Hues

"Ḙ̴͗ ̵̧̇g̶̟̽l̶̢͑ā̶̹ ̴͉͋l̵̡͑w̵̙̃ʼ̴͚͛u̸̴̜͕̎̌̽g̸͉͗ʼ̷̛̠s̴̛̻ḣ̴͜ ̶̹̂s̵̝͠a̵̧͝ḩ̸͝l̴͎̓ŵ̵̝ʼ̴̜̐ ̶̖̓ș̵̈́h̵̡̓l̸̡̿à̷̲ ̵̭͗e̴̼̿.̶̳̏.̶̜͌.̶͍́."
— Kht'oth, the Emperor of a Thousand Colors
Kht'oth is the Outsider God of Light & Spectrum, and the oldest known elder god. While distant from mortal life for most of Aanrah's existence, he is known for his frightening power and knowledge, and even the other greater gods tread lightly around him.



Kht'oth presents himself most often in the form of a giant opaline humanoid skeleton with four arms, usually wearing iridescent gossamer silks and jewelry shining in thousands of colors. Bismuth-like growths sprout from his bones and his right eye socket, while his left eye socket glows with a light that shines in infrared. His form is said to be a sort of 'light-construct', with is true form being nothing but light itself.
Those who look upon Kht'oth are said to quickly develop headaches and eye strain - with the distinct sensation that one is trying to understand colors they are not actually perceiving.


Kht'oth is cold and distant, coming across as deeply detached and uncaring for the world around him. While he has some investme an interest in Aanrah, he makes it plenty clear that the world is ultimately meaningless and could be destroyed at any moment - maybe even by him. Since his consort's death, he has become more fickle and detatched, prefering to keep himself uninvolved and perhaps even ignorant of what is occuring in Aanrah.
He is considered the 'leader' of the outsiders and their pantheon, and despite his nature is considered the most level-headed of them. While he does not hedge on plans that are always in Aanrah's best interest, he is known for at least not being outrightly malicious to the world and its inhabitants.

Powers & Domain

Kht'oth has absolute mastry over light itself. While many might consider this a rather poor power or domain, Kht'oth has shown the possibilities of his powers in the past - allowing him to all but flash freeze a large swath of land in a burst of rage at the death of his consort Ryniai and son Shlallllǔ†. Zwinwele is distinctly aware that Kht'oth could destroy Aanrah and plunge it into instant and eternal darkness, devoid of all energy, without batting an eye.
Much of what draws others to Kht'oth is the knowledge he holds, more than his actual domain. Ancient beyond comprehension, Kht'oth knows the secrets and knowledge of almost anything that one could imagine - though rarely can these secrets be pried from his skeletal fingers.


Like the other elder gods, it is unknown where or how Kht'oth came into existence. It is known that he predates all other known elder gods, with only The Hegemone being older. Kht'oth was known to have been at the meeting of the gods but declined .">, and that Kht'oth was asked to become the sun, but declined .  During the 1st Era, legends and history say that Kht'oth fell in love with a mortal sacrifice by the name of Ryniai - a slave - and that Kht'oth fell in love with her and spared her. She is said to have mothered the only instance of a Outsider hybrid with Kht'oth - a demigod by the name of Shlallllǔ†. History says that both were abruptly slain in a raid on the ancient city in which they resided, likely not even the targets of the attack. Kht'oth is said to have flown into a rage and destroyed (idk figure out where this happened finally). Since then, Kht'oth has been withdrawn and distant from Aanrah.

Religion & Dogma

Kht'oth often is considered the Chief Deity of the Outsider pantheon, though he is one of the most detatched and distant of them. Those who follow and delve into the secrets of the ancient elder god often seek deeper meaning in the world, and are looking for information they could not get any other way. Some smaller sects believe that Kht'oth will some day grow tired of the world and at last bring the end of days, plunging the world into eternal darkness forever or consuming the world outright. Few are capable of summoning Kht'oth or getting into contact with him, and fewer still survive to tell the tale. Kht'oth is known for being a incredibly moody and fickle god - those who can navigate his hairpin temper are proven to be someone to watch out for.

Artifacts, Etc.



"How could something so fair be so cruel?
When this black sun revolved around you."
Divine Rank:
Light & Spectrum
Divine Classification
Elder God
True Neutral
Current Status
Alive, Distant
Date of Birth
II. Pointless Humanity in Aanrah Collection


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