Elder, Greater, and Unknown Gods - List

"Blessing or curse, someone can always find a way to tie it back to the divine."
Boiiiiv Book-Bringer, Pre-Ascension
The highest and most powerful of the divine, elder gods and greater gods have the power to bend reality to their wills. They demand the respect of all others, and their distemper could threaten to break the fabric of reality itself.
The elder gods are elusive beings who have existed long, long before Aanrah - and far before even the oldest of the greater gods. Though largely disconnected from Aanrah and less involved with worshippers and cults, these beings harbor power beyond the understanding of even the other powerful divine. Though inredibly powerful, they distance themselves from Aanrah and mortal life, often only discussed among secret cults and scholars.
The greater gods serve as the main facets of most cultures - chief deities of their pantheons and the creators of various races. They call command over the other deities and the mortals that serve them, dictating life physically and metaphysically.

Elder Gods

The elder gods are few, but their power extends so far beyond that of greater gods that most consider them in a class of their own. Mechanically speaking, a elder god is any deity who's divine rank is over 25. As of current, only Outsiders are known to be elder gods, and it is unknown if non-outsiders are capable of reaching such feats.  Artitengh, the Outsider God of Divinity & Inherent Magic
The Oroboros, The Infinite Serpent
Outsider - Sexless (Masculine) - Rank 31 - Chaotic Neutral
Artitengh appears as a giant serpent-like creature eternally devouring itself. A beast with no formal cults or followings, those who dare seek Artitengh may find the oppertunity to have powers beyond their wildest dreams unlocked - at the risk that it may very well kill them instantly. Artitengh is known for being a careless being who is entertained by the hubris and chaos caused by those who seek him.

Kht'oth, the Outsider God of Light & the Spectrum
The Lord of Seven Colors, Emperor of a Thousand Hues
Outsider - Sexless (Masculine) - Rank 35 - True Neutral
Kht'oth is said to appear as a giant four-armed humanoid skeleton made of opals and bismuth, shimmering in colors seen and unseen. Though distant from the world, Kht'oth is known to have knowledge of almost anything that can be imagined, and is often sought in secret cults. Other cults follow him in belief that someday he will grow tired of the world and plunge the world into eternal darkness. He is known for his fickle, short temper with mortals.

Mgachyt', the Outsider God of Stars & Astronomy
The Star Serpent
Outsider - Sexless - Rank 30 - Chaotic Neutral
Mgachyt' is said to appear either as a magnificent serpent or humanoid made of cosmic dust and stars. They are light-hearted and friendly to the mortals that seek them, finding joy in sharing the wonders of the worlds beyond with their followers. They are the most sought of the elder gods, and considered the most genuinely helpful and least dangerous. They are said to have taught mortals how to use the stars to chart where they are.

Mglw'nochyt', the Outsider God of Infinity
The Infinite
Outsider - Sexless - Rank 29 - Chaotic Neutral
Mglw'nochyt' appears to all who gaze upon it as a simple line, stretching infintely in either direction. Few know the secrets to making contact with this being, but those who have note its exceptionally catty behavior.

The Hegemone, the Outsider God of Death & Chaos
The End of All
Outsider - Sexless - Rank 38 - Unknown
Only known in the most hushed of whispers in the tightest of Outsider cults, the Hegemone is said to be the true end times - a being who could wipe Aanrah and all who inhabit it out of existence without batting an eye. Those who know of it say that it has yet to fully realize the world's existence, but know that there will come a time when, inevitebly, it does.

The Greater Gods

The greater gods cover the most powerful of the divine who grace the lives of most mortals, often including deities that where thereat the meeting of gods, and those who created the different races. Mechanically speaking, greater gods have a divine rank from 21 - 25.

Baghánn, the Nuríian God of Trickery & Jesters
The Trickster, Jester of the Fairy Court
Nuríian - Male - Rank 22- Chaotic Neutral
Baghann appears as a male fae dressed in jester's garb, donning a sneering mask in traditional Nuri fashion. He is the antagonist of many tales, both fae and mortal, and is known for his malicious tricks on anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path. Some legends say that he used his wiles to tricking the King of the Fey into giving him a position as a greater god.

Boyis, the Nymauti God of Curses
The Curse Weaver
Monster - Male - Rank 21 - Neutral Evil
Boyis appears as (finish his redesign). Those who pray to Boyis seek the worst curses known to mortal and divine kind alike, though those prayers always come at a costly price. Calm and almost emotionless, Boyis is the patron god for many witches and practitioners of dark arts. His worship is banned in most countries on the surface.

Brástaath, the Drylvuian God of Ice, Calmness, &
The Fourth Son, The White Drake
Dragon - Drake (Male) - Rank 22 - True Neutral
Brástaath is the fourth dragon created when Bukrkry† split herself into five beings at the start of the world. He appears as a white, four-legged dragon covered in thick fur and horns made of ice. He once commanded several monistaries at the far poles, and was said to dispense wisdom and meditation to those who could find him. He is missing  in the current era.

Ceátth, the Nuríian God of Trade, Merchants, & Exchange
The Wandering Merchant
Nuríian - Male - Rank 21 - True Neutral
Ceátth appears as a traditionally garbed fae with ornately decorated robes, a owl-like mask, and a oversized backpack stuffed to the brim with all matter of objects. He is said to appear on less traveled roads at dusk and twilight, where he will trade with any who dare approach him. His bag is said to contain a infinite number of things, including things from other worlds.

Ciurte, the Riunivarmen God of Balance, Judgement, Balance, & High Elves
The Judge, The Great Father
High Elf - Male - Rank 25 - True Neutral
Ciurte is the chief god of the Riunivarmen Pantheon and is considered the creator of the high elves. He appears as a tall, gaunt humanoid with black skin wearing traditional Riunivarmen bishop's robes. A giant scale is pinned to his back through his chest, and both arms hold a crystal dish filled with either a blue or red fire. His followers serve as the judges and arbiters of Riunivarmen culture, and he himself is considered the judge among gods. He is the husband of Norve and considered the brother of Evermore.

Ehes-i-Hoqā, the Lakrakian God of Dawn & Day
The Day Bringer, Sun Carrier
Birdfolk - Male - Rank 23 - Chaotic Good
Ehes-i-Hoqā appears as (design me! a magpie probably). He is one of the two chief gods of the Lakrakian Pantheon along with Oʻis-i-Dhejāha, who the Lakrakian people see as his eternal rival. Ehes-i-Hoqā is said to be a jovial and good-nature trickster who keeps the sun away from the talons of Oʻis-i-Dhejāha. He is the husband of Kīʻanūzʻ-nō-Zuh.

Emrul, the Common God of Magic
The Spell Shaper, The Patron
Outsider - Sexless (Masculine) - Rank 25 - True Neutral
Emrul often appears as a tall, unusually gaunt and pale humanoid with green octopus-like eyes and black hair made of writing tendrils - or other times, he appears as a void black octopus-like creature. He is the god originally in charge of deciding who was allowed to use magic, but since Baza's disappearance , Emrul has become the general patron of all magic users. He is said to be a strict teacher to those who follow him.

Evermore, the Common God of Death & the Afterlife
The Reaper, Death
Unknown - Sexless - Rank 25 - True Neutral
Evermore appears as a withered humanoid with dusky skin in tattered robes. Their mouth is sewn shut and their eyes blindfolded, and from their back sprouts a pair of fleshy wings covered in eyes of their own. Evermore is said to appear at the end of everyone's life, divine or mortal, to reap their souls and take them to the afterlife. Escaping from Evermore's wicked three-bladed scythe and talons is said to be a heroic task, and the almost automaton-like god is considered one of the most thorough at their jobs. They are feared in some cultures and revered in others.

Jodiirook, the Drylvuian God of Water, Tides, & Curiosity
The Third Son, The Blue Serpent
Dragon - Drake (Male) - Rank 22 - Neutral Good
Jodiirook is the third of the dragons born from Bukrkry† when she split herself into the original five dragon gods. He appears as a long blue sea serpent. He was once known for often appearing to sailors and those along shore to exchange stories and knowledge. He has vanished  in the modern era.

Lszertyhke, the Klertyhdi God of Tunnels, Earth, & Ore
The Great Wurm, Earth-Churner, Ore Mother
Wurm - Female? - Rank 21 - True Neutral
Lszertyhke appears as a pale wurm of colossal size who burrows through Aanrah's underground with no destination and no discretion. She is considered the 'chief' god of the dwarves, who revere the ground in which she burrows. It is said that wherever she goes, fresh ore veins and minerals are filled behind in her wake. She is less a sapient entitiy and more of a force of nature.

Maholdymyndr, the Drylvuian God of Destruction, Darkness, & Fire
The First Son, The Black Wyvern, The World Eater
Dragon - Drake (Male) - Rank 24 - Chaotic Evil
The first born when Bukrkry† split herself into five dragons at the start of the world, Maholdymyndr is the strongest of the five dragon gods after he has brought down Deiahdrahl  and Droontaastah . He appears as a massive black wyvern with a impressive crown of horns. He was worshipped by the most destructive and vicious of dragons, and has a doomsday cult who believe he will slay all his brothers and then remake the world. He has vanished  in the modern era.

Norve, the Riunivarmen God of Truth & Justice
Lady Justice, The Great Mother
High Elf - Female - Rank 21 - True Neutral
Norve appears as a fair-haired and pale-skinned high elf in a simple white dress and blindfold. She is the other patron of much of the Riunivarmen judges and lawmakers, and a popular god among the commonfolk of her religion. She is known for being a passionate and kind soul who seeks justice for all. She is the wife of Ciurte.

Oʻis-i-Dhejāha, the Lakrakian God of Night & Dusk
The Night Bringer, Moon Carrier
Birdfolk - Male - Rank 23 - Lawful Evil
Oʻis-i-Dhejāha appears as (design me! a owl probably). He is one of the two chief gods of the Lakrakian Pantheon along with Ehes-i-Hoqā, who is his eternal rival. He is said to bring the dark when he steals the light, so he and Ehes-i-Hoqā are in eternal battle over day and night.

Oqdaz', the Lakrakian God of Lightning, Storms, & Strength
The Thunder Caller, Stormwing
Monster - Male - Rank 21 - Chaotic Neutral
Oqdaz' appears as a giant, monstrous four winged bird who crackles with upper atmospheric lightning and a halo of eerie red electricity. He is worshipped as the bringer of storms, and often prayed to in hopes that the worst of his storm's fury will not bring harm to his worshippers. He is said to be a domineering, unflinching force of nature who sometimes reigns fury on his follower's foes.

Oreik, the Annasolish God of Treachery, Betrayal, & Ambition
Father of the Drow, the Traitor, Moonkiller
Dark Elf - Male - Rank 24 - Lawful Evil
Oreik appears as a dark elven man with empty pits instead of eyes, often wearing dark blue armor and a halo made of snakes biting each other's throats. He is said to have been born from the spilled blood of the moon god Morden Oeru , and to have created the dark elves from the Honoun moon elves spirited away from their crumbling home. The drow see Oreik as their savior and unflinching guardian, while others see him as a lurking evil tempting mortals with power at the price of betrayal and treachery. Many stories speak about the dangers of making a deal with Oreik, and the many ways evil, power-hungry men fall to his wiles.

Ort, the Nuríian God of Forests, Woodlands, & the Lost
The King of the Fey, the Lord of the Woods
Nuríian - Male - Rank 23 - True Neutral
Ort appears as a Nuríian man wearing surprisingly unadorned robes and mask, often carrying a lanturn. He is frequently found on the back of his mount, Mun. The King of the Fey, Ort is known to travel the woods, sometimes leading those he comes across to safety, or leading them astray into Nurí to never return. Many shrines set up by those of the Náian faith hope to ward him away or earn his favor so he will not spirit them away. He is known for his fickle and somewhat cruel nature. He is bound to Bróbh Boíg.

Roncte, the Riunivarmen God of Light & Souls
The Holy Mother
High Elf - Female - Rank 23 - Lawful Good
Roncte appears as tall high elven woman with stunning, glowing eyes and long hair. She is the second most worshipped god of the Riunivarmen pantheon, often considered the second in command of the pantheon over Ciurte's own wife. She is said to be a kind, charismatic soul who treats her followers as though they were her own children. She is popular among the common Riunivarmen folk.

Satun, the Nymauti God of Death & Pennance
The Sin Taker
Monster Endbringer - Male - Rank 24 - True Neutral
Satun appears as (design me). He is worshipped by the Nymauti demons as their god of death, and is said to have sole dominion of their souls as opposed to Evermore. All Nymauti people pay homage to him, including those who are not demons themselves. He is said to be a fair judge and steward of the dead.

Sen Srrgrrlus, the Weg'olw'chyen God of Storms, the Ocean, & Merfolk
The Mother of Merfolk, The Storm Mother
Merfolk - Female - Rank 23 - Chaotic Neutral
Sen Srrgrrlus appears as a colossal deep sea merfolk, found most commonly in the eye of a near-perpetual storm. She is the creator of the merfolk, and is worshipped by them and all who live on or near the sea. Along with merfolk, sailors make up the bulk of her followers, who pray to her for safe and quick travels over her domain. She is said to be moody and difficult to predict, and a woman of few - if any - words.

Sundossa Marim, the Nymauti God of Time & Madness
The Clock-Keeper
Nymauti Demon - Female - Rank 24 - Chaotic Neutral
Sundossa Marim appears as a unusual grey humanoid with bird-like talons, often wearing white robes and grey armor. She is said to have absolute control over the flow of time, and legends state that this power is what drove her to madness. She speaks exclusively in reversed Nymauti. She has few true worshippers, but she is payed tribute by most who follow the Nymauti pantheon.

Talatarael, the Nymauti God of the Underworld & Nymauti Demons
The Queen of the Underworld, Lady Talatarael, Mother of Many
Nymauti Demon - Female - Rank 25 - True Neutral
Talatarael appears as a large winged Nymauti demon with a crown and mask made of stone. She is said to have sheparded the original Nymauti demons from their original home, and has taken the Endbringers as her own as well. She's known for associating with deities and beings of all kind, and for being unusually hospitable to mortals and those of lesser power.

Yalidil Rana, the Yuenhüuian God of Benshuen, Beauty, & Grace
Mother of Benshuen
Moon Elf - Female - Rank 25 - Lawful Good
Yalidil Rana appears as a Benshun moon elf with pale skin, long white hair, and white eyes. Blue markings cover her skin and match the kashira of her katana. She is the center of modern Yuenhüuian culture, and a very common sight on Benshuen itself. She is one of the three most chief of the gods, and is looked upon fondly by many - including those who worship her from the common pantheon. She is also, unknown to most, the cause for Honoun's Collapses  and Baza's Disappearance .

Zhia Tyali, the Náian God of Plants, Nature, & Wood Elves
The Wind Hunter, Woman of the Woods
Wood Elf - Female - Rank 23 - Neutral Good
Zhia Tyali appears as a unusually tall wood elven woman with Nuríian-like markings and a pair of antlers, usually wearing a shall and skirt made of dyed leather or other brown material. She is said to have created the wood elves, and often has shrines to her in most Náian settlements and major routes of travel. She's said to be headstrong and fierce, having said to stood up to much more powerful deities in defense of the wood elves in the past.

Zwinwele, the Ntubuian God of the Sun, Innovation, & Invention
The Sun Father
Sun Elf - Male - Rank 25 - Lawful Good
Zwinwele appears as a handsome sun elf with eyes that burn like the sun, often in traditional Ntubuian garb. He is said to have created the sun elves so that they may enjoy the world. He encourages creativity and enjoyment of life, and is often followed by artists and inventors. He is said to be a very upbeat and fatherly deity. He is one of the three most powerful deities, and often the voice of reason among the divine.


Deceased Greater Gods

The greater gods who have been slain in the past. Droontastah is considered missing as far as the general world collective is concerned.  Deiahdrahl†, the Drylvuian God of Fire, Anger, & Earth
The Second Son, The Red Dragon
Dragon - Drake (Male) - Rank 23 - Neutral Evil
The second born of Bukrkry† when she split herself into the five major dragon gods, Deiahdrahl was the original owner of the volcano Gezralahdnat. He appeared as a red dragon with four legs and a pair of wings. His followers were often some of the more violent and domineering dragons, as well as humans who sought their power and protection. He was slain by Maholdymyndr. 

Droontastah†, the Drylvuian God of Forests, Nature, & Knowledge
The Fifth Son, The Green Wyrm
Dragon - Drake (Male) - Rank 23 - Lawful Good
The fifth and last born of Bukrkry† when she split herself into five pieces. Droontastah appeared as a green dragon with six legs covered in a variety of foliage. It was said if one could find him in the heart of the woods or jungle, he would grant you the knowledge of whatever subject you requested of him. Many monistaries were dedicated to him in the far reaches of different woods. He was slain by Maholdymyndr  in secret.

Ineyale Phor†, the Yuenhüuian God of Baza & Agility
The Father of Baza
Moon Elf - Male - Rank 22 - Lawful Good
Ineyale Phor appeared as a Bazan moon elf with dark grey hair, lightly tanned skin, and red eyes. Green markings covered his skin that matched the kashira of his katana. He was said to be the least outgoing of the moon gods, and perhaps the most gullible. Though his fate is unknown to most, he was slain by Yalidil Rana  so that she could turn Baza into an artifact.

Morden Oeru†, the Yuenhüuian God of Honoun & Valor
The Father of Honoun
Moon Elf - Male - Rank 23 - Lawful Good
Morden Oeru appeared as a Honoun moon elf with black hair, tanned skin, and light pink eyes. Red markings covered his skin that matched the kashira of his katana. He was considered the leader of the moon elves for the time he was alived, and one of the most beloved of the moon gods. He was said to have been strong-willed and noble. He was slain by Yalidil Rana and Ineyale Phor  in a power grab by the other two that ultimately lead to Honoun's collapse and the creation of Oreik.  

Gods of Unknown Power & Ranking

These deities do not have a known rank for one reason or another. They are often long forgotten or unknown gods with few if any followers. Due to their wavering status on divinity, they have unknown domains or no domain at all.

Bukrkry†, the First Dragon
The Earth Mother
Dragon - Hen (?) (Female?) - Unknown - Unknown
Bukrkry is said to have been the god who most shaped the very world itself, possibly even the one who created the basic foundations of land and planet. It is unknown what she looked like, or many details about her at all. The The First Gods who would have known her speak few if any details, and the rare few non-divine or not originally divine gods who exist from that time do not recall ever meeting her. She is said to have split herself into five dragons  (Maholdymyndr, Deiahdrahl†, Jodiirook, Brástaath, and Droontastah†) at he start of the world.

Eiylsweir, the Ungod
The Ungod
Monster - Male - Unknown - Chaotic Neutral
Eiylsweir appears as a unusual, somewhat humanoid creature in heavy robes and a white mask, with wings made of stars and a unusual red halo. Eiylsweirs origins, purpose, and goals are unknown - those rare few that have encountered say he appears to be searching for something, but his behavior is erratic and manic. He has no followers of his own. In reality, he is the original Judgement, tricked from his position by Ciurte, and near-wiped from reality and history.

Okẽpluyxtai, the Sun of the Underground
The Abyssal Sun
Monster Endbringer - Unknown - Unknown - Chaotic Evil
Okẽpluyxtai is known to few, and only worshipped by The Cult of Embers. Once the chief deity of the Endbringers, Okẽpluyxtai failed to become the sun  after a gamble with Eiylsweir. It was sealed into what would be the core of Aanrah after it became unstable and threatened to destroy the fabric of Aanrah itself.

Ua Oeru, the Secret Daughter
Dear, Little Rabbit, Fish Snacks, Queen of the Beach
Moon Elf - Female - Unknown - Child
Ua Oeru is the secret daughter of Morden Oeru† and one of his honor guard. Rescued from the collapse of Honoun  as a baby by Ehüur, she is now raised by Zhün, the Exiled and Iuin of Clan Lan on the The Hidden Isle. It is hoped that she will one day replace Yalidil Rana, or perhaps consolidate the remaining debris of Honoun into a new moon.


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