
Outsiders are not technically a full species in of themselves - the term is applied to any number of unique, extradimensional beings who otherwise do not fall into another category. It can be considered a similar term to Monster, often the difference between the two coming down to Outsider's apparent inability to reproduce.

Extradimensional Interlopers


Outsiders, as not a true species, come in a incredibly wide variety of shapes and sizes - some immeasurable. They are often otherworldly in appearance, sometimes recognizable as creatures similar to those native on Aanrah, or sometimes absurd and beyond comprehension. They are frequently made of nonorganic matter and otherwise break the known laws of nature.

Age & Reproduction

It is unknown what the lifespan of Outsiders is - if they have one. Their existence defies the confines of Aanrah, including the mere concept of time. Most Outsiders do not know when their existence started, especially in relation to Aanrah's existence. It is known that many are older then Aanrah itself though, pushing Outsiders to easily be the longest lived race.
A key point to the classification of Outsiders is their inability to reproduce. Outsiders begin their existence in manners unknown to even them, in ways unrelated to one another. The only exception to this is Shlallllǔ† - a shortlived demigod born to the Elder god Kht'oth and the mortal human Ryniai† in ancient times.

General Culture

Outsiders only loosely fall into a general culture - usually bunched under Weg'olw'chye by scholars due to their common use of the Weg'olw'chyen language. They do not seem to othewise name any sort of shared relationship between themselves and other Outsiders. Outsiders are commonly known for being rather dense about the rules and laws of Aanrah, man-made and natural, and frequently fail to understand moral boundaries.
Most cultures view them with open hostility because of their own (often unintentional) hostile nature.


Traits vary widlly between Outsiders, but it is common for them to be exceptional magic users and frequently capable of feats that may seem magic in nature but are often simply their ability to bend reality as it is known.
Average Height
1' - ∞'


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