Moon Elf

Moon elves were originally created to live on Aanrah's moons by the gods Morden Oeru†, Ineyale Phor†, and Yalidil Rana. Those moon elves who live on Aanrah in the modern era are the descendants of those moon elves banished from their moons long ago.

The Rabbit Elves


Moon elves usually stand between 5'5" and 6'8", with males being taller than females. Their skin can be unusually pale-white to tanned, and their hair ranges on the monochrome greyscale from white to black and every shade inbetween. Most moon elves have solid red or white eyes, with some having pink or purple. Moon elves come in three subspecies - Honoun, Bazan, and Benshuen. Honoun moon elves have short, rounded ears, Bazan have long and drooping 'lop' ears, and Benshuen have long, standard rabbit-like ears.

Age & Reproduction

Moon elves are one of the longest lived races on Aanrah, living to a average of 1000 years. They reach their juvenile age around 60, adulthood around 120, and old age around 800. Moon elves who are on the moons themselves are biologically immortal.
Moon elves usually only have one child per pregnancy, with twins being rather rare. They hybridize not all uncommonly with other elf species, and more rarely with humans.

General Culture

Very little is known about true moonfolk moon elf culture, but much of the culture that moon elves are a part of, Yuenhüu, is said to be based around it. Moon elves are known for preferring to resolve conflicts and infractions on honor through nonlethal duels and other competitions, and are known to have rather esoteric family and ranking systems. They are seen by other cultures as celebrating many holidays and being very loyal to their chief deities - which, by modern age, is only Yalidil Rana. To many, moon elves and their culture feels rather alien, as it originated separetly from the cultures on Aanrah.


Moon elves have very acute hearing, able to pick up on very subtle noises with incredible accuracy. When on the moon, moon elves are biologically immortal. They are capable of inate magic, often using it to enchance their existing capabilities.
Genetic Descendants
1000 years
Average Height
5'5" - 6'8"
Geographic Distribution


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