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Goblin War

These are the events during the goblin war from 5002 AC to 5010 AC.

  • 5002 AC

    12 Trimonth
    5002 AC

    12 Trimonth 03:00

    Attack on Berghest
    Disaster / Destruction

    During the night a group of goblins snuck into the developing Berghest and lit fires within town. Many buildings were destroyed before the goblin troop was executed, an act that angered the goblin king Raggum Bigbones.

  • 5002 AC

    26 Trimonth

    Goblin King declares war with Berghest
    Political event

    After the execution of Raggum's goblin destruction team he eventually recieved word of the act. Raggum declared war on the developing Berghest planning to force them off of the continent.

  • 5002 AC

    3 Tetramonth
    5002 AC

    14 Octamonth

    Berghest Wall
    Construction beginning/end

    Berghest began the construction of a stone wall to surround the city for defense against the goblins.

  • 5002 AC

    25 Hexamonth

    Goblins destroy Farmland
    Disaster / Destruction

    Due to the wall developing around Berghest the goblins sought different methods to drive out the Katatanians. Although the wall was useful in the defense of the city, farmland outside of the wall was still a weakness the goblins exploited with fire.

  • 5002 AC

    3 Heptamonth

    Goblin defense team formed

    After the burning of Berghest's crops the citizens formed a defense team that would patrol outside of the walls. The defense team was 2 groups of 8 armed citizens, one to patrol during the day and the other to patrol at night.

  • 5003 AC

    1 Dimonth

    Farmers Slaughtered
    Disaster / Destruction

    The largest troop of goblins Berghest had seen invaded the farmland during the day. The goblins slaughtered many farmers and their families, burned crops and buildings, and stole livestock.

  • 5003 AC

    10 Dimonth
    5003 AC

    5 Trimonth

    Goblin Defense Team Grows
    Civil action

    The goblin defense team began to grow after the slaughter of Berghest's farmers. In just a month the defense team went from only 8 members to 500.

  • 5003 AC

    8 Tetramonth

    Defense of Berghest
    Military: Skirmish

    The goblin king Raggum unnaware of the newly formed civilian army in Berghest attempts to invade the town with a small army of 300 goblins. The skirmish that ensued resulted in the loss of many on both sides. The goblin defense army down to roughly 200 members managed to drive back the goblin invasion.

  • 5003 AC

    12 Pentamonth

    Berghest Invades goblin village Kaelgum
    Military action

    Berghest invades Kaelgum, a goblin village governed by the rule of Raggum Bigones. The goal of this invasion was to discover the location of Raggum's kingdom.

  • 5003 AC

    3 Hexamonth

    Goblin Peace Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    Raggum Bigbones proposes a peace treaty to the Katatanian settlers. The settlers signed the treaty on the agreement that Berghest may remain so long as neither group enters the others territory. Several years of peace passed during Raggum's reign as the goblin king.

  • 5006 AC

    1 Monomonth

    Goblin Defense Team Disbanded

    After a couple years of peace the people of Berghest felt comfortable again. The goblin defense team was disbanded and turned into the city guard.

  • 5009 AC

    28 Hexamonth

    Raggum Dies
    Life, Death

    The goblin king Raggum Bigbones is assasinated leaving his son Steek to inherit the crown.

  • 5009 AC

    25 Octamonth

    Steek Bigbones invades
    Disaster / Destruction

    After the death of Raggum, the new goblin king Steek Bigbones sends an army to invade Berghest. The unprepared town suffered many casualties of farmers and crops as well as several of the city guard. The Katatanians pushed back Steeks army and returned home to make plans for one final invasion.

  • 5009 AC

    18 Decamonth

    A chance to maintain the treaty
    Diplomatic action

    Berghest sent a group of individuals to the goblin kindom to negotiate a continued peace. Steek denies Berghest's proposal sending back only one member from the diplomatic group.

  • 5010 AC

    23 Monomonth
    5010 AC

    25 Monomonth

    Battle for Berghest
    Military: Battle

    Berghest sends an army to the goblin kingdom for one final invasion in hope that it may end the goblin war. This 2 day battle resulted in the goblins migration underground and the end of the Goblin War.