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Stag monarch is a feared tyrant.
Serine is a major trade centre for the wood elves. It is the sight of a magical breach into the Feywild during a planar invasion.
Known for its tough, perceptive and silent warriors.
The advent of arcane magic has led some wood elves to experiment with necromancy.
Closest thing the Wood elves have to a city, ruled by the ‘feared tyrant’ The Stag. Generally made up of elven caravans that decided to stop and settle over the years. The Stag is actually just an elaborate, magical costume crowed with an impressive Stag skull which wood elves bring out and put on when they have to deal with outsiders and need to appear official. Nobody in particular wears the costume, it is simply a case of whoever feels like doing it at the time. Trade with the outside world is done via cargo ships along the Elor; only vessels carved with the correct runes are able to safely navigate the river to Serine. (Primarily elven boats and the occasional gnome traders who are granted passage) Guarded by elite elven rangers – while on duty they take a potion that sharpens their mind and combat abilities to an incredible level. The potion’s recipe is a closely guarded secret.


Mostly wood elves. The occasional half-elf, gnome, or high-elf refugee.


Feudal monarchy.


Stone tipped spears and arrows. Wooden staffs and bows. Bone swords
Divine magic (druids, clerics, rangers)

Industry & Trade

Economic power comes from social status, which is determined by ancestry.


Not very materialistic

Guilds and Factions

Perhaps some anti-monarchists and anti-feudalists?


Many small towns that grew into a giant metropolis


The elves are not keen on tourists, but they will allow half-elf and gnome merchants to trade with the town for magical items. 
They'll only grant audience to other races for diplomatic purposes.


Treehouses, some underground caverns.


Built around the forest River Elor.

Natural Resources

River Elor water, ebony wood, stone.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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