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Session 10; lizards of the coast

General Summary

Session 10;
10th night of summer, normal weather (clear night, no moonlight)
Easy: 1,500 exp
Medium: 3,000 exp
Hard: 4,500 exp
Deadly: 7,000 exp
Daily: 20,000 exp   Captain Ussot's Great Axe
Green hag + 3 thugs, 2000xp. Fighting will upset The Hag Coven of Pust
Bandit Captain + 4 bandits, 1100xp.
Assassin + 2 spies, 8600xp. Fighting will upset the Threads of Shadow   Lavoi's Nightmares
Night Hag, 1800xp. If discovered it will flee and get The Hag Coven of Pust Reason for the noble only area
Attacked Yllaxina (alone) and she fled into the Grand Madame's Brothel
  Pustness Vampire House
Vampire Spawn x4, 1800xp each
Daytime; 4 in coffins in house, will wake up if adventurers too loud, climb on ceiling to surprise = 14400xp
Night-time; 1 outside, will attempt to attack Yllaxina or Renee if they are alone & 3 inside (awake) = 1800xp + 10800xp
Yllaxina fought one and then ran away after she found out what it was.
  The Undead of Pustness
3 ghosts roaming the streets. 6600xp
Cemetery; 3 necromancers + 4 skeletons + 5 zombies = 5400xp. Fighting will anger Bogshadow tribe.
Lizard king + 2 lizardfolk = 2240xp. Fighting will enrage the Bogshadow tribe, but please the Spearmouth tribe.
Killed everyone and let the lizard king escape via a secret tunnel.
  Pusty Swamp
swamp wildlife, 3400xp. Territorial. No multiplier because they're not working together.
8 lizardfolk scouts, 4 black dragon wyrmlings, 7800xp. fighting will anger the Hardscale tribe.

Rewards Granted

Javelin of Lightning 3 Spellbooks 2948 xp/each   yllaxina loot;
16 basic poison
8 potions of healing
5 potions of radiant resistance
5 essence of ether
1 potions of poison resistance
2 potions of superior healing
heavy crossbow

Missions/Quests Completed

Character(s) interacted with

Gnashrak the lizardfolk ghost
The lizard king Pustness Vampire House (gery attack yllaxina, she shot him twice, once by the well, once in the inner circle)
The Night Hag attacked Yllaxina. She ran to the alehouse, the half-orc let her in.
The Green hag (runs the brothel, locked her in a room? (thick wooden/copper door, no windows, sound-proofed). Green hags want to seek destruction and misery through illusions and tricks. She might offer a bargain to Yllaxina (steal something?). She might impersonate her. She probably will not give Yllaxina to the Night Hag because hags hate to be in debt.
Maybe the sex workers helps yllaxina escape? (controlled by the party?)
let yllaxina try and escape in a 1-1
Or let Burnham play another character to rescue himself
the investigator could be involved?

Created Content

Bogshadow tunnel to the lizardfolk cemetery


From now on, add a lvl 1 (imaginary) player to xp threshold calculations. Having 6 players bumps the xp modifiers down for multiple enemies.
ability checks, gonna try the method of asking for one of the big 6 and the player deciding which skill proficiency to try and use next time   To do;
1. 1-1 yllaxina vs hag, sanguine rose map (pdf),
Yllaxina short rest, long rest is interrupted when she hears them lock the door
if she's discovered escaping, hag will attempt to use control spells, bandits will attempt to knock out, friendly spy will help hide her
if she gets knocked out, burnham will have to play a new character (very short deadline before the green hag gives ylaxxina to the night hag)
if she escape easily or kills everything, have the night hag appear as well (unlikely)
2. rebalance planned encounters
3. think of urban traps/hazards/interactables and put on battlemaps
4. think of swamp traps/hazards and put on battlemaps
5. add more "attack dog" style enemies
dragon lair
worldbuilding (see sesison 9, von krews coming along well)
Report Date
29 Aug 2021
Primary Location

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