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Session 23; The Vulture Blade

General Summary

  • Disguise kit rolls; Cyrus; 28 Pip; 36 Renee; 29 Stuart; 32 Yllaxina; 41
  • insight/perception (DC11 normal, DC12 mage/veteran/warlord, DC14 priest, DC16 khad, dc19 shylvontreth, DC20 scouts) 
  • mage general alerted, 7.5 minutes till he arrives with the priest general and the chief assassin (who will happily betray the other two)
  Fight Tactics  
  • Describe the scene; lighting, cover, enemy equipment
  • Tone; minimalist, dark, clean
  • Mage, priest and dragon induce the 5 are imposters from their equipment, veterans think they're treasonous hobgoblins
  1. Fire breath targets in heavy armour (assuming lower dex)
  2. Dodge if focussed
  3. Bite has 10ft reach (can attack past frontline)
  4. Use movement to multi-attack low AC
  5. Can blindsight to find Yllaxina?
  6. If below half, will fly to front door and attack it down to escape
  1. Prioritise melee
  2. Will fight to the death to protect Khad (charmed)
  3. Will dodge on either side of the door to opportunity attack, then run through the door if the tanks come into the room
  1. Prioritise survival (run into private sanctum, dodge, sanctuary himself if can't spiritual weapon)
  2. Upcast spiritual weapon
  3. Dispel magic if the party casts buff spells
  4. Thaumaturgy doors closed
  1. prioritise survival
  2. defense (save slots; stay >30ft away, mage armor, shield, counterspell, misty step, invisibility), offense (cone of cold>ice storm/4th lvl fireball>fireball)
  1. Khad, The Vulture Blade 
  2. Fire shield and activate gauntlets (will cast this once made aware of combat)
  3. Concentrating on alter self
  4. Allies alive; stinking cloud, upcast command to split party, leadership ability and intimidate verbally
  5. Allies dying; upcast fireball + scorching ray LA
  6. LR WIS saving throws, parry melee
  7. If alone EITHER try to charm his way out OR go all in melee
  8. Too slow to flee, will try to buy time, inevitably fighting to the death

Rewards Granted

  • The legions cost .25 million gp/day = 89 million/year = 1.75 million lbs of gold bars = 66555 gold bars. This is stored in the basements of the Inner Ward.
  • Adjusted XP: 41,625 (8,325 per player)
  • Yllaxina picked up Pip's backpack

Related Reports

  1. Killed Khad
  2. Pip, Renee and Cyrus died
  3. Stuart and Yllaxina escaped to find Lazarus
Report Date
12 Dec 2021
Primary Location

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