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Khad, The Vulture Blade

Chief Warlord, Avatar of Maglubiyet, Voice of Bargivyek, Ally of Tiamat, Slayer of Demons, the Lady's Chosen, Protector of the Mountains, He Who Commands the One Hundred (a.k.a. The Vulture Blade)

Khad's tactics
  1. Before fighting begins, Khad will attempt to charm all his opponents
  2. Khad only allows charmed creatures to see his true form, otherwise he concentrates on alter self
  3. If with allies he'll attempt to support them, if alone he'll use his high level spell slots first, then resort to his longsword if necessary
Damage sources
  1. Flame strike (worse fireball unless they're resistant to fire)
  2. Wall of fire (5th lvl 22.50 AoE + DoT), use if the fight is expected to last a while (c)
  3. Fire shield (will cast this before combat)
  4. Fireball (5th lvl 29.17 AoE)
  5. Scorching ray (5th lvl 28 (/3))
  6. Burning hands (5th lvl 20.42 AoE), will only cast this as a legendary action or when out of spell slots
  7. Oathbow (18.76), only uses this in long range duels
  8. Longsword 1h (30.15), best single target damage
  1. Stinking cloud, AoE no actions
  2. Blindness/deafness, can upcast to blind multiple foes for 1 minute
  3. Detect magic, will only cast out of combat
  4. Command, can upcast to affect multiple foes; drop, flee, grovel, halt
  5. Leadership, will use this if with allies

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Body Features

Cambion true form; charred skin, goat horns
The adrenal gland is three times the size of a human adrenal gland, making devils aggressive and quick.
Their warped muscles give them fantastic endurance.
Their blood is black, but it changes colors in different atmospheres.
Their interior organs are covered with scales - natural armor
Their bones are slightly metallic and seem like they've been carved/constructed.

Identifying Characteristics

Scars from where his tail and wings used to be

Special abilities

Fiend warlock, Tiamat is his patron

Specialized Equipment

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Khad is a cambion, his father was a hobgoblin priest, his mother is an erinyes. He lost a war with the Sojusz confederacy in the year 97 SAM.
Uses weapons from dead opposition to murder the opposition's friends and family (will want Cyrus' armour)

Has many mistresses, usually to build political power

An ally of Tiamat, chromatic dragons are willing to work with Khad.
Has nurtured a red dragon (now 54 years old = young) since then. It allows him to ride on its back.   The elves made pacts with demons, becoming the dark elves of the Underdark.   He gained the title Vulture Blade after defeating an invasion of Vrocks 

Gender Identity


Failures & Embarrassments

His original death to assassins. Returned to life by Tiamat.

Morality & Philosophy

Order must prevail against chaos. Authority is derived from power.

Personality Characteristics


Khad is here to prevent this land from becoming a demon world.

Likes & Dislikes

Favourite food is rabbit


Contacts & Relations

Devils are crafty negotiators and positively ruthless at enforcing the terms of an agreement. Moreover, a contract with even the lowliest devil is enforced by Asmodeus's will. Any mortal creature that breaks such a contract instantly forfeits its soul, which is spirited away to the Nine Hells.

Family Ties

Father was a hobgoblin priest. Mother is an Erinyes from the first layer of Hell, loyal to Tiamat.


Inviting but powerful
Divine Classification
Fiend (devil)
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Vulture Blade, Chief Warlord
Khad; "70", fiend; unknown
Circumstances of Birth
Mother died in childbirth
Current Residence
Grey, narrow
Dirty brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Goblin, Abyssal, Common, Infernal, telepathy 60 ft.
Ruled Locations

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