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The City of Brightness


Around 40 legions (20,000 hobgoblins (around 10,000 in the city proper), 12,000 bugbears, 32,000 goblins).
  1. Burakh Bridge; bugbears, human thugs and trolls, many guards
  2. Burakh Plains; goblinoids
  3. Pust Valley; mostly goblin tribes
  4. The Lower Ring; hobgoblin captors, slave races; dwarfs/humans (captured from confederacy or dwarfs/maudites born into slavery), (half)-drow, (half)-orcs
  5. The Upper Ring; hobgoblins
  6. The Outer Ward; tieflings and hobgoblins
  7. The Innter Ward; priests; hobgoblins, administrators; tieflings


Burakh is a militocracy, currently ruled by the dictator Khad, The Vulture Blade. The Priests of Maglubiyet form the judicial body. If found guilty, the punishment is normally slavery, or a duel with the executioner (bugbear assassin) to the death.


Walls around the Outer and Inner Wards. 7m tall, 5m thick. The gates
The fortress is protected by a permanent forbiddance spell and glyphs of warding . The glyphs are triggered by non-goblinoids. They fire a 3rd level guiding bolt (+5 to hit, 6d6 radiant damage).
The Outer Ward is guarded by hobgoblin scouts. The Inner Ward is guarded by hobgoblin veterans.

Industry & Trade

Closed economy


Ore crushed by watermills utilising underground river flow. It is then transported via cranes to charcoal furnaces. The charcoal is gathered from the forest in the valley below. The watermills also drive the bellows of the furnaces and the forge's trip hammers.
The greatest feat of goblinoid engineering can be seen by the 5 mile long stone bridge between Burakh and the mountain to the west. It is on this bridge that most of the hobgoblin allies reside.


  1. Burakh Bridge (2mi lodging for mercenaries
  2. Burakh Plains (width, 1/2mi war-camps for the many legions
  3. Pust Valley (width; 6-12mi, length; ~60mi source of timber and food, home for many goblin tribes
  4. The Lower Ring (width; 1/2mi, 2640ft slave pens, animal breeding grounds and entrances to the mines
  5. The Upper Ring (width; 1/2mi, 2640ft hobgoblin industry
  6. The Outer Ward (width; 1/2mi, 2640ft for family's of captains; military schools, temples to Maglubiyet, magic School of Devastation
  7. The Inner Ward (diameter; 400ft Grand Temple, war rooms, 4 noble houses (administrators).

Guilds and Factions

  • 40 legion warlords
  • bugbear assassins
  • military academies
  • school of devastation (magic)
  • priesthood


Burakh is a hobgoblin city built over an ancient dwarven iron mine called Gem Taruhr. Rare gems can also be found among the veins of iron ore.

Points of interest

  • Grand Temple of Maglubiyet; part of the 1st courtyard of the Inner Ward, home to the Priest General.
  • School of Devastation; The School for Mages, home to the War Mage General
  • The Hidden House; the school for bugbear assassin's, within the Inner Ward.
  •   Bridge
    • The Frightening Warg, ran by Torrark, a bugbear assassin
    • The Giant Manticore, a goblin tavern


    The roofs of each building are decorated with scenes of war. Timber support beams are used between plaster (lower class) or stone (upper class) walls. Gardens are plentiful.


    Built on top of a flat mountain


    • Burakh
      Slate walls, plastered, with red/blue tile ceilings supported by timber limbs. The city is surrounded by war-camps.

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