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Sojusz Confederacy

The Sojusz Confederacy is situated on the west side of the Stracony sea, north of the Forest of Mrok. To the north is the Kingdom of Maudite, and to the east, Lake Pusty and Lake Aima. Land beyond both the Forest of Mrok and the lakes are unknown to the vast majority of the population, including nobility.
The Sojusz Confederacy is formed on the back of six major city states, after the major threat of the Empire de Soleil came to a head. They govern themselves and the various smaller villages and towns around the area. Sosna, Podlaska and Wodny to the West of the Confederacy’s lands, Harmider to the North, Galim to the East and Dusza to the North East.
Sosna (House Lekko), Podlaska (House Augustyn) and Wodny (House Woda) have been close allies since before the Confederacy’s formation and continue to have good relations. Harmider (House Polis) and Dusza (House Zadraka) are close allies, but only in recent times due to the marriage between the daughter of House Zadraka’s regent, and the son of House Polis’s regent. Galim (House Senna) is very independent and is only in the confederacy for its own survival, lest it be conquered by the combined might of the western cities if it was alone.
There is an obvious rivalry forming between the western cities and the northern cities due to both geographical separation and the history between House Zadraka and the rest of the confederacy, primarily House Augustyn. Houses are not voted into power in their respective city via democracy but are more akin to a monarchy (the ruler is named a “regent” not monarch). Each city’s regent then convenes at a Sojusz council, held twice a year, to discuss issues within the confederacy, such as supply issues, internal strife or border disputes, and issues outside the confederacy, such as the threat of attack from the Kingdom of Maudite. Each city of the Sojusz worships a different selection of pagan gods. Very similar to the roman and ancient Greek gods, each one represents something unique, such as the major god of Podlaska, Mars, the god of war.   City House Major Gods
Podlaska Augustyn Mars (War), Honos (Honour and Justice), Orcus (Oath)
Sosna Lekko Nike (Victory and Success), Sors (Luck), Spes (Hope)
Wodny Woda Anapos (Water), Hestia (Family), Honos (Honour and Justice)
Harmider Polis Dea Dia (Growth), Eirene (Peace)
Dusza Zadraka Phobos (Fear), Nike (Victory and Success)
Galim Senna Minerva (Knowledge), Fortuna (Wealth), Inuus (Fertility)

  The Sojusz is in a very testing time; the Northern and Western alliances are inevitably going to go to war, and force the dissolution of the confederacy, unless something can unite the powers once more.


  • Heim
Political, Confederation

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