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The Village of Snowview


Snowview's population is made up of mostly human miners who have come to the region to seek out a living. The occasional dwarf can also be seen in the settlement.


Snowview being a small mining village, hosts a small contingent of town guards and a local sheriff by the name of Hampton Norwood. The town being in the remote central desert of The Mazi Area is mainly self-sufficient when it comes to governance.

Industry & Trade

These days the main source of income for the settlement relies on the copper mines. The majority of the community either work in the mines, or in a related trade that services or provides materials to the mine. The village has a monthly trade caravan that brings in food items, building supplies, and luxuries (for those who can afford such things) and brings out the smelted copper. In good times, the mine strikes a vein of silver or gold and everyone grows fat with the coin it can bring.


Snowview, was originally settled for the rich copper deposits in the area, and soon after gold and silver were also found. Initially, the settlement was a boom town and through trade acquired most of the needed supplies for daily living. These days, gold and silver are rare finds, so the local inhabitants have also created a relationship with the local nomadic tribes for furs, meat, and other items. Residents mainly keep small gardens for each house hold consisting of root vegetables that are cold and drought-tolerant.


Snowview really only has two districts:   Old Snowview: The original location of the settlement and where the majority of commerce and people are located. There's a small but friendly Inn, The Tankard and Crow where the town meet for recreation and social gatherings most of the time. The rest of the district is made up of dwellings, small businesses either catering to the mining industry or the daily needs of the residents of snowview.     Two Hooks: The district of Two Hooks sprung up from the trade with the local nomadic tribes in The Mazi Area. The name refers to the bustling trade for meat and furs; the local butchers and tribes that have wares to sell usually display them in stalls or store fronts hanging from hooks.


Located in the cold deserts of The Azeral Empire, the people who live here must endure long periods without rain and more often than not, bitter cold wind. Native vegetation is sparse and usually doesn't amount to much more than scrub bush. The rolling hills and plains seem to go on forever and those who must navigate the region must be adept at using the night sky and other means to decern directions.


Snowview is located in a cold desert, at the top of a rise. The growing season is short and only supports a few different root crops. Most of the year is punctuated with cold, dry winds. Most of the precipitation that the village receives is in the form of snow on the shoulders of spring and fall.

Natural Resources

Copper, Silver, Gold.
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