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Clement Brant

Ser Clement Brant

Clement Brant is a Lister for the Guilding Association in Haberbeem. One of the most recognizable faces within the city, Clement is responsible for many high-profile Adventurers and is always on the search for new talent. Clement himself can often be found at the Port Authority Offices, popular taverns, and other gathering places for incoming and outgoing individuals.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Clement is a deceptively strong and dexterous individual with a fairly attractive appearance. He wears a set of fine woollen and silken clothing, the best money can buy with the connections he has.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Spending his early life as a courtier underneath Duke Egan in the Kingdom of Ocerith, Clement distinguished himself in his ability to classify people and their abilities from only a few stories and a personal meeting. As the recognition for his abilities grew, so too do his ambitions, he was granted a pardon to leave the court of Duke Egan. He travelled to Haberbeem where he found quick work as a Lister, rising the ranks to become well known in the city.


Despite originally being of lower status, Clement possesses a full classical education thanks in part to his abilities. In addition to this, he has continued to study his whole life, giving him a great deal of both general and specialized knowledge.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Clement has a near-obsession with the word "well" in every day speak, using it in just about every sentence and drawing it out as much as possible.
Current Location
Year of Birth
838 DS 29 Years old
Current Residence
Brant Manor
Dark Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Dvati, Draconic, Elven


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