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The most populous of the marine races, the Merfolk are an ancient people created by the god Eadro in his own image. The ancient Merfolk would build the most advanced civilization below the waves which culminated in the construction of the great city of Meralia. The city was said to be so grand that at its height it broke the waves with spires constructed by contracted Triton.   Sadly, when Eadro was devoured by Tiamat during the Gods Plague much of the magic which allowed the Merfolk to dominate the oceans suddenly vanished and did not return alongside their deity. This, alongside the appearance of new threats from the Abyss saw the Merfolk enslaved by the Aboleths. This would be the case until the Merfolk were freed by the Triton.   While much of their old civilization was lost, the Merfolk would rebuild themselves. However, it would be as a divided people who now warred with each other. Since gaining their freedom, no single Merfolk has managed to unite the warring states into a single Empire.

Basic Information


Most Merfolk appears with the lower half of a fish and an upper humanoid form. Despite myths saying otherwise, Merfolk do not possess human skin and instead possess fine scales along their upper body. These fine scales blend together and are rather soft. Merfolk possess a kind of webbed crest on their heads which often vary in shape and colour. Merfolk were once incapable of surviving long beneath the waves and possessed internal air sacs. These are visible as a vestigial organ on modern female Merfolk and appear similar to breasts on human females. It is still considered an attractive trait in females as those with larger air sacs were capable of hiding deep underwater longer, a trait which the tribal Merfolk found useful against aggressive creatures.

Genetics and Reproduction

Merfolk give live birth and invest a great deal of time into their offspring.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Merfolk are omnivorous.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Merfolk possess the ability to see clearly on both land and water, though they cannot walk on land. They are also capable of breathing in both air and water.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Lacking the ability to move on land, Merfolk have difficulty when developing metal tools, relying on the Triton and other semi-aquatic races.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Merfolk is the common language of all Merfolk though regional varieties exist.

Common Myths and Legends

Sirens, a subspecies of Merfolk created by the Aboleths, possess the upper body of a normal human woman. They are outcasts in Merfolk societies as their affliction is a sign that they continue to serve the nefarious Aboleths. It is also said that Sirens possess the ability to transform themselves into human women at a whim, a temptation which has claimed many love-struck Merfolk women who wish to be united with a charming sailor they had saved or met.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Ancient Merfolk, alongside ancient Triton, extorted tribute from land-dwellers who hoped to use their sea to transport goods.   Today, however, Merfolk are mostly disinterested in ships except those that pass near to their settlements. Trade is uncommon as many surface items cannot withstand the ocean and many marine items are of little use to surface dwellers. Niches, however, exist as jewellery and handcrafts are exchanged frequently. Many Merfolk societies are famed for their craftsmanship.
100 years
Average Length
1.9m to 2.2m


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