
"On one side of me stands my homeworld, stronghold, and brotherhood. On the other, my ancestors. By the molten fires and pounding pistons of the forge were both armed and armoured. By the leaders of both were they given wisdom and purpose. And by the searing wrath of the hearth were they both filled with the fury to overcome any foe. When I recount these traditional truths of my people, I cannot behave otherwise than honourably."
—Kahl Kettri, Son of Egil
  Duradin, referred to as "kin" between others of their species, are a stocky race, roughly a foot shorter than humans, with broad, heavy frames. The earliest surviving records of duradin history established an ancestoral link between them and human ancestors who settled a galactic subsector long ago—thus making duradin genetically abhuman in nature. For their part, the kin care little what others think of them and are an advanced, starfaring race who hold strong traditionalist values across their societies. Making a friend or ally out of a duradin can forge a close bond for life, however their short-temper and long memories can form an equally strong grudge in the ire of the kinsman.

Duradin Anatomy and Physiology

The duradin are a short, squat, physically powerful race of abhumans descended orignally from the humans of the millenniums before the galactic republic. They stand approximately four feet tall, yet possess such dense muscular and skeletal systems that they could nearly match the greatest humanity has to offer in raw physical power. The human genetics they possess come from cloned origins, as the original duradin were a race of clones with the entire population of these kin sharing the same basic genetic code.   Yet, this does not mean that each duradin is exactly physically identical or that the kin suffer from the defects which can result from a lack of genetic diversity. The first ancestors who were responsible many millennia ago for shaping kin society to deal with the environmental rigours of life in the galaxy engineered a series of stable mutations and unusual phenotypical expressions in their people's genomes. In practical terms, these alterations provide the duradin with physiological enhancements over the human vaseline such as denser muscular and skeletal systems to provide greater physical strength, and more endurance in the face of hardship.

Duradin Culture

Traditionalist as they are, the duradin hold true to core societal structures and ideals no matter which guild or clan they belong to. Individual kin are determined and loyal, true to their word and decisive in action, sometimes to the point of stubbornness. Many duradin have a strong sense of justice, and they are slow to forget wrongs they have sufferred which take the form of what they refer to as "grudges". A wrong done to one duradin is a wrong done to the kin's entire starclan, so what begins as one duradin's hunt for brutal judgement can become a full-blown war across the galactic sprawl.

Duradin Information

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Fortis Cognatus
350 years
Average Height
4-5 feet
Average Weight
150-200 lbs

Duradin Traits

Default Ability Scores. Your Vigor score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 2, however your Charisma score is decreased by 2.
Hit Points. Being a duradin grants you 6 hit points.
Size. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your mobility is 4'.
Darkvision. You can see up to 60 feet in the dark.
Slow But Steady. You can ignore any or all modifiers to your mobility characteristic not brought on by a condition. In addition you have advantage on Fortitude rolls against poison and have resistance to poison damage.
Judgement of the Ancestors. In combat, enemies that you can see gain Judgement tokens (to a maximum of 3) throughout combat as follows:
  • Each time an enemy successfully damages you or a nearby ally that you can see, that enemy gains 1 Judgement token.
  • Each time an enemy causes an ally you can see to bleed out, that enemy gains 1 Judgement token.
  • Grim Efficiency (Active Ability). As a single action, you can select one enemy that you can see, that enemy gains 1 Judgement token.
A look at the phenotypical diversity found among the duradin species.

Playing a Duradin

You Likely...

  • Strive to uphold your personal honor, no matter the situation.
  • Appreciate quality craftsmanship and technology in all forms and insist upon it for all your gear.
  • Don't waver or back down once you've set your mind to something.
  • Harbor deep, resentful grudges towards those who have wronged you, your clan, or your species.

Other races probably...

  • See you as stubborn, though whether they see this as an asset or a detriment changes from one person to the next.
  • Assume you are an expert in matters related to engineering, mining, and precious metals and alloys.
  • Recognize the deep connection you have with your family, heritage, and friends.


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