
"By far the most common species in the galaxy, humans are versatile and the norm against which other species are judged. They either adapt, or they force the planet's they colonize to adapt to them."
—Ulthwen Atana, Eldar diplomat
  Ambitious, creative, and endlessly curious, the human species (also known as humanity, mankind, humankind, or man) have shown more drive to explore their systems and the universe beyond than any of their neighbor races—for better and for worse. They've helped usher in a new era of system-wide communication and organization and are admired for their passion and tenacity, but their tendency to shoot first and think about the consequences later can make them a liability for those races otherwise inclined to work with them.

Human Anatomy and Physiology

Humans are a bipedal, mammalian humanoid species consisting of a torso, two arms, two legs, five fingers on each hand, five toes on each foot, two eyes, two ears, one nose, one mouth and one head. They have a wide range of inherited traits, such as body type, skin color, and facial features, yet these minor differences of heredity and genetics hold little significance in modern human society. Instead, humans' tendency to adapt to their environments means that more extreme differences, such as cybernetic augmentations or alien implants are seen as far more important than ancient geography or skin color when defining modern ethnic groups.

Human Culture

Humans are known to be a more politically dominant species, as well as the more numerical. Due to their widespread nature and lacking a known homeworld, it is hard to pin down a human culture. Widely adaptive and versatile, human cultures vary from location to location. This diversity of human societies makes them both fascinating and frustrating to other races. Human settlements just a few miles apart may have wildly different governmental styles and social mores, and one faction may promote violent, xenophobic conquest while another wants only trade and friendship.   If there's anything that can be said about human society as a whole, it's that it's always in flux, with even the oldest cultures constantly adapting and reinventing themselves—a trait that often leads to humanity being seen as a "younger" race, regardless of the millennia it has existed. As a result, humans cannot be said to lean toward any particular alignment—though many aliens might argue that this marks them as chaotic.

Human Information

Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens
100 years
Average Height
5-7 feet
Average Weight
100-300 lbs

Human Traits

Default Ability Scores. You gain a +2 bonus to any one ability score.
Hit Points. Being a human grants you 4 hit points.
Size. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your mobility is 5'.
Adaptable. You select one perk from the core list at 1st level.
Skilled. You gain a +2 racial bonus to any two skills of your choice, or a +2 racial bonus to either your Fortitude, Reflex, or Willpower score and one skill of your choice.

Playing a human

You Likely...

  • See yourself as the hero of your own story, surely destined for some form of greatness.
  • Are innovative, flexible, and talented, and you pride yourself on your human resilience.
  • Get along well with members of other races and learn from other cultures and societies.
  • Hold passionate beliefs yet change your mind quickly when it's in your interest.

Other races probably...

  • See you as energetic and adaptable, but also as emotional, impetuous, and prone to violence.
  • Pity you for the loss of your ancestral home world and its records, and worry that you covet theirs.
  • See your self-confidence as arrogance.
  • Respect your ability to get along with other races but view you as a dilettante with little culture of your own.


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