
"Since the time of the fall, our race has been haunted by what we, in our reckless pursuit of psychic indulgence gave birth to. Though our dreams once overturned worlds and quenched suns, we are now but fitful shadows clinging to the edge of existence. I see the stars stained red with the blood of our people, a conflict the likes of which has not been seen is coming and all my steps lead towards it, no matter that I walk other paths. I know that to avoid this fight is to condemn our race to inevitable doom. And though all I see is darkness, I know that I will not flinch from my destiny."
—Lord Vileth of House ___
  A lithe, long-lived, and ancient species, the eldar are an ancient race of elf-like humanoids. Easily recognized by their pointed ears and pupils so large that their eyes seem to be all one color, their vast empires once extended the width and breadth of the known galaxy. However, despite their domination over realspace, the eldar are but currently a dying and fleeting race as their remaining organizations pursue different strategies for survival and perseverance in their dominion's wake.

Eldar Anatomy and Physiology

The eldar appear very similar to humanity in their anatomy, although the comparison can only be made on a superficial basis, for in their minds and souls the eldar are truly alien. The eldar stand taller and thinner than the average human male, with longer, cleaner limbs and handsome, striking features to human eyes. Their skin is traditionally as pale and unblemished as polished marble, yet with a surprisingly supple strength hiding beneath it. Their keen ears are pointed and their slanted eyes house pupils that comprise most of their sclera. They are long-lived by human standards, and most will live a little under a thousand years unless they die from external causes.   Eldar also have much faster metabolic rates than humans, and their cardiac and neurological systems are more advanced. These traits manifest in their vastly heightened reactions and agility compared to other species. To them, other races seem to move in slow motion with a certain degree of awkwardness, while to those perceiving the eldar they appear to move with distracting grace and can be blindingly fast in combat.

Eldar Culture

Today, the eldar are a mostly reclusive, xenophobic species reluctant to work alongside other races if not for their self-preservation requiring them to. They are little understood by their neighbors and uninclined to remedy that situation. Though their arkworlds still travel the void, and their lesser starships traverse civilized worlds and stations to trade, most eldar choose to live among their own kind either within an arkworld or in predominantly eldar enclaves on other worlds. Those adventurous or rebellious individuals who choose to live among other races are called the forlorn, due both to their loss of eldar companionship and to their tendency to outlive friends of other races. Most forlorn are viewed with pity or suspicion by their kindred.   Within their borders and arkworlds, eldar tend to be whimsical, sociable, and passionate, yet when dealing with outsiders their laughter disappears quickly, replaced by a cold, unyielding wall. Eldar warriors and diplomats operating outside of the eldar arkworlds on government business sometimes even choose to go masked, hiding their identities around other races in order to better represent a united eldar state.

Eldar Information

Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Altus Ingeniosus
750 years
Average Height
5-6 feet
Average Weight
100-150 lbs

Eldar Traits

Default Ability Scores. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score increases by 2, however your Vigor score is decreased by 2.
Hit Points. Being an eldar grants you 4 hit points.
Size. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your mobility is 6'.
Low-Light Vision. You can see in dim light as if it were normal light.
Keen Senses.You gain a +2 racial bonus to your Reflex score and a +2 racial bonus to Perception skill checks.
Battle Focus. In combat after making an attack on your turn, unless you've taken the move action multiple times or used an ability with a similar effect (E.G. Charge or Run and Gun), you can roll one D6 and move up to a distance in inches equal to the result as if you had taken the move action.

Playing an Eldar

You Likely...

  • Carefully curate your relationships with people with shorter lifespans, either keeping a careful emotional distance or resigning yourself to outliving them.
  • Adopt specialized or obscure interests simply for the sake of mastering them.
  • Have a deep longing for the former success of your race in the galaxy, finding yourself jealous of those at the height of their dynasties.

Other races probably...

  • Focus on your appearance, either admiring your grace or treating you as if you're physically fragile.
  • Console you about the loss of your empire, but most likely don't truly fret it as much as you.
  • Worry of your xenophobic culture and that you privately look down on them, or feel as if you're condescending and aloof.


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